Untitled Part 35

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He started with pointing at my half-eaten bowl and asking, "Are you going to finish that?"

"No," I said slowly. "Why?"

"Because I'm still hungry." He grabbed it and took a bite. How he remained rail thin when he ate like that was beyond my understanding. "That's not the only leftovers I'd be interested in, if you know what I mean."

A group of popular kids from the class below me invaded the shop. I took that as my cue to get going. "Need a ride?"

"Puh-lease." He grabbed the yogurt and took it with him, still stuffing his face as he added, "I suppose if I have to bum a ride off someone, at least it's with you."

"Still no car from grandma yet?" I asked as we walked out.

"Getting closer." He slid into the passenger seat. "I overheard her asking my dad if he thought I'd like her old Lexus."

"And would you?"

"Hello? It's a car! And it has leather with heated seats. Do you realize all the naughty thoughts that are going through my head when it comes to that?"

"No, not really." And I really hoped he wouldn't follow Morgan's lead and jump onto the TMI train.

Richard waited until we were out of the parking lot before he spoke, all sass gone from his voice. "So, I take it we weren't finished with the intervention, were we?"

"Not even close." I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. Should I even push the issue?

Richard decided to do it for me. "Well, then, let me point out a few things you might have missed, sweetie. First off, all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

"Thank you, William Shakespeare."

"You're totally welcome, and yes, I freely admit to being a player in every sense of the word, but that's not where I'm going. What I mean to say is that we've all been cast in roles for this High School Musical wannabe. You're the token Mean Girl."

"I prefer Queen Bitch."

"Same thing. I'm the token Gay Guy, Morgan's the token Goth Girl, Summer the Brainless Head Cheerleader, Brett the Superman Football Hero, etc. But that's not who we really are."

"If you're going to start singing show tunes, I'm stopping the car right now and kicking you to the curb."

"Oh, sweetie, if I wanted to torture you, I'd go all Justin Bieber on you."

"Ack, don't!" I feigned horror in between chuckles. "But since you actually sounded serious at first, I'll let you continue."

"All I'm saying is that while we're at Eastline, we settle into our little niches and act the way everyone expects us to act, but sometimes, that's just not enough. I mean, yes, I'm glad to be the token Gay Guy. I'm glad I came out for everyone to see. I'm glad I'm not living in shame of my sexuality and trying to fake being all macho just so I can be one of the boys. And I'm glad that most of the students are cool with me being gay. But with that comes the fact no one really takes me seriously."

"Are you sure none of that has to do with the fact you tried out for the cheerleading squad last year?"

"Oh, that was just a bit of fun. And it's all part of my token Gay Guy persona. I'm catty and the life of a party and gayer than life, and that's fine—I have fun going to the extremes. People expect that from me, and it, you know, makes them more comfortable with the fact I like penis. But if I tried to discuss the Declaration of Independence with someone in AP Government, do you think they'd listen to what I have to say? What if I'd tried out for the debate team instead of the cheerleading squad? Do you see what I mean?"

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