Chapter Two

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She pulled the car up to a large rusted old gate and got out. There was a keypad with alien symbols. She pressed five of them and the gate opened. She got back in the car and looked back at Jennaveeve. The girl was smiling, totally ignorant of what was happening to her. The gate closed as the car went by.

Nightmaress pulled up to an abandoned looking 19th century house. Windows were cracked or broken, the grey paint was badly peeled, a few boards were missing, and there was a hole in the roof off to the right. Other than those few minor errors, the house was alright.

She took the baby out and opened the door.

"I am here, sister. The girl is alright." Nightmaress spoke from the doorway to the empty hall. The whole place was dark even though it was still daylight.

Her sister stepped out of the shadows on the right near the staircase and dining room. The woman was even thinner than Nightmaress, almost disgustingly thin. She didn't eat very often on account of their location. She was much like her sister, but not as wicked. She jammed the 4-inch knife in her hand into the mahogany cabinet in the dining room.

"You should tell me when you leave." She rasped. Her eyes immediately fell on the child instead of Nightmaress. She cocked her head at it and looked at her with intense interest.

"Tina, she is to be left alone, do you understand?" Nightmaress asked her in a serious tone.

"You seem to be going soft, my dear. Are you actually caring about a child's safety?" Tina cooed slyly.

"No, I just don't want you screwing it up this time." Nightmaress said with a smug look.

Tina changed the subject.

"Just get the hell in here. What are you even going to call it?" She beckoned her sister in and closed the door behind her.

"The parents called her Jennaveeve. Not my choice for a name, though."

"What about Ava? Or Francesca?"

"Those are two very random names... I don't know where you even get ideas from your sick twisted head."

"It's not like yours is any better than mine, in fact it's probably worse."

"We'll call her Jenna and that's final."

Nightmaress went up the stairs, leaving her sister. She carried Jenna in her arms into a room on the left. There was a crib waiting with torn blankets. The window was open because there was no way to shut it; it was broken. The boring grey-blue curtains weren't tied back, so they would definitely fly everywhere during a storm, but they were pushed to the sides. There was also a queen sized bed next to the wall, but that was for when she grew out of the crib.

Nightmaress placed Jenna down in the crib.

"You're a strange baby to have not cried at all by now. Either you're happy all the time or you're stupid, not that there is much of a difference." She said looking down at her.

Jenna started to cry as soon as Nightmaress was about to leave.

"Oh no, please don't be one of those attachment babies or else we're already done here." She said.

The child still cried.

"Oh, alright. Just one time." Nightmaress said as she went to sit on the bed next to the crib.

"You're lucky I'm actually decent enough to do this. Oh no. I'm turning into someone decent. This is bad. Next thing you know I'm going to actually be nice to people and stop throwing knives at Tina. Oh god." She said exasperated by her actions.

She looked at Jenna to see her smiling.

"You make me not want to cut flowers for fun!" She shouted and ran out of the room.

"Can't be nice. Can't be nice. Can't be nice." Nightmaress chanted to herself as she went down the hallway.

5 years had passed since Jenna was stolen from her parents. It was time for her to go out and explore the outside world. But Nightmaress had other plans for her.

"You cannot go outside." Nightmaress said behind the girl as they both looked out the window.

"But why not, Mary? Why don't I ever see anyone? Why can't I see Tina either?" She asked still intent on the outside world. Jenna didn't call Nightmaress by her full name or mom, so she came up with Mary. Nightmaress wasn't too thrilled with it.

"You know how I feel about questions." Nightmaress said in a low venomous voice.

Jenna turned to Nightmaress and saw the hatred in her eyes and moved away from the window.

"You are never to go over to that window again. And you can never ask about Tina. Savvy?" Nightmaress said, eyes narrowed.

Jenna moved towards her bed up against the wall on her right, almost knocking over the small bed stand. There were no lights at all in her room, even on the stand. The house barely had any at all.

"Yes... Nightmaress." She said shakily.

It was the first time she ever said Nightmaress.

Nightmaress gave a small surprised look, but covered it up quickly as she went out of the room and locked the door. She thought Jenna savvied real well that time. She was wrong.


After receiving dinner to her room, Jenna went over to the window. There was a vine that grew along the house and she was determined to get down. She looked over the edge of the window to see how far it reached. It seemed long enough and strong enough for her to get onto and climb down. She sat on the windowsill and stretched her leg down to find a good place to start going down from. She found one and slowly began going down. She clung onto the vine very tightly as she made her way down. It's too bad she didn't look around the yard a bit longer because someone had gone outside.

Nightmaress had gone outside to get rid of some bones Tina had gotten tired of. Something caught her eye and she turned towards the direction of where Jenna was slowly making her way down the side of the house.

Nightmaress almost screamed in anger but kept it in to try something else. She would do something that would make her afraid of the window for good.

"You'll savvy real good after this." She muttered.

Fun fact that's important to know: Nightmaress has magic. She doesn't use it often, only for those special occasions.

Jenna was more than halfway down when she noticed something. It was a giant snake and it was coming right at her! She screamed and called for help from the house. The snake got right in front of her and bared its giant fangs.

Remember this was a five year old girl. She was practically dead from fear.

"Don't go near the window again, even to look out! The window is your death!" The snake hissed.

Jenna's eyes were huge with fear that she had become paralyzed while tears ran down her cheeks. Her heart beat so fast it was like a hummingbird's. Since the child was no where near able to move, the snake grabbed her with its tail and put her in her room. Jenna, still crying, ran right to her bed and under the blankets. She sobbed under the sheet and felt an intensity of fear no one should have ever felt, not even if death stared them straight in the face.

"Did you really need to do that? I wouldn't even do that." Tina said to Nightmaress as she came in.

"We'll it's a hell of a good thing I'm not you. Nothing else would've worked." Nightmaress said passing by her.

"You truly are wicked." Her sister called after her.

"And you're not?" Nightmaress said grabbing a newspaper and throwing it to the stairs.

Tina stifled a cry, making only a little noise when she looked at it.

(To Be Redone) The Girl and the WindowWhere stories live. Discover now