~Chapter #7~

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(Sorry if i take awhile to post Wattpad chapters recently my dog Missy has passed away and I'm still trying to cope with that but i will try to work on chapters just for all of you!)

"are you okay now?" Freddy asked, Monty nodded and wiped his remaining tears and Monty and Freddy stood up, Gregory then put the drawing on the counter and went to the couch and sat down, Gregory laid down on the couch and Freddy chuckled and looked at Monty as he remembered what they had almost done in the bedroom... They almost kissed.
Freddy turned red at that thought and Monty noticed.

"Woah, ye 'ight Freddy? Yer, a lil' red." Monty said, Freddy nodded.

"Yes i am alright." Freddy said happily, Monty nodded and leaned on the kitchen counter and looked at the time, it was 7:37, it was around time for Gregory to head to bed, Monty tapped Freddy on the shoulder and Freddy looked at him and Monty pointed to the clock, Freddy looked at it and noticed the time and then Freddy looked at Gregory,

"Alright Gregory, It's time flr you to get to bed. You have that schedule for to head to tomorrow." Freddy said, Gregory nodded and got up off the couch and went to his room and closed the door behind him, Freddy yawned and Monty slowly grabbed his hand and Freddy looked at their hands and blushed.

"Come on, le's get ye ta bed." Monty said, Freddy looked away and Monty led Freddy to their room and once they were inside their room Monty closed the door behind them and Freddy laid down in bed, Monty did too and Freddy covered his face then Monty turned onto his side and he was just behind Freddy, He looked at Freddy but Freddy didn't know it since his back was facing him. Freddy uncovered his face and sighed then Monty wrapped his arms around Freddy making Freddy blush a lot and put one of his hands on Monty's arms. Freddy smiled and Monty fell asleep, Freddy fell asleep shortly after Monty did...

~The next day~

Freddy and Monty woke up and Freddy yawned,

"Sleep well?" Monty said with a yawn at the end,

"Yeah, i slept well." Freddy answered, Freddy then got up and stretched,

"Well, I'm going to go wake up Gregory, we need to drop him off at school so he can get all settled in." Freddy said, Monty nodded and kept laying down, Freddy left the room closing the door behind him then went to Gregorys room, he opened the door carefully and walked into the room, Gregory was still asleep.
Freddy walked over to the bed carefully and crouches down beside it and put his hand on Gregorys shoulder and began to shake him lightly.

"Superstar, Wake up, we got to get you ready to get you to school." Freddy said, Gregory groaned as he woke up.

"Morning Freddy," Gregory mumbled, Freddy smiled and stood up.

"Well let's go ahead and get you ready." Freddy said, Gregory got out of bed and Freddy left the room to let him get ready, Freddy went into the kitchen to get some breakfast ready for Gregory...

~a few minutes later~

Freddy had finally finished making breakfast for Gregory, he made sausage and some french toast for him, Freddy put it on a plate and put it on the counter, Gregory came into the room and his hair wasn't as messy and it was brushed, he also had on a different shirt that was a dark blue and he has jeans on,

"Where'd you find different clothes?" Freddy asked,

"The closet in my room, it must have been Madys brother or something, well, younger brother. I found these clothes hanging up in the closet,there are way more then just this." Gregory explained sitting down at the counter, Freddy slid the plate with food towards Gregory and Gregory began to eat, Freddy leaned back on the counter and sighed, Gregory soon Finished eating his food and Freddy took his plate and put it in the sink. Gregory got down from the chair he sat in then Freddy's and Gregory waited till it was time to leave, Monty soon joined them and all 3 of them waited till it was time to leave...

~a few more minutes later~

It was time to leave, Freddy and Monty already had the hoodies on and they both put the hoods over their heads, then all 3 of them left to the school, they walked down the sidewalk to the school...


Once they all got there Gregory started to look nervous, Freddy looked at the school and so did Monty, Freddy then looked at Gregory who seemed to be nervous.

"Are you okay Gregory?" Freddy asked, Gregory nodded.

"Yeah I'm okay Freddy..." Freddy frowned and held Gregorys hand, Gregory held Freddy's back as a response, Monty held Gregorys other hand and looked embarrassed Freddy smiled and Gregory became less nervous.

"Le's jus' get in this school already." Monty muttered, both Gregory and Freddy nodded and they all walked into the school, There were kids everywhere, all Freddy, Monty, and Gregory had to do was find the principals office, Monty and Freddy kept their hoods on making sure they didn't fall off their heads, Freddy looked side to side as he got stares from almost all the children in the school, then they all finally found the principals office, Freddy, Monty and Gregory all rushed in, Freddy gave a sigh of relief and so did Monty, then a lady at a desk stared at them, they all looked back at her,

"Oh, you must be the new student right?" The women said looking at Gregory,

"Yes he is." Freddy said, the lady sighed and pointed at some chairs,

"You 3 just sit down the the principal will be with with you shortly once i give him a call." The women said, Monty nodded and they say down in the chairs and waited. Monty looked around and looked at all the paintings that were around, Monty started to tap his foot from being impatient.
The womens phone on her desk started to ring and the women answered and began talking, the women hung up and looked at Freddy, Monty and Gregory,

"He's ready to see you." The women said, the 3 nodded and they all got up, opened the door to the principals office... And walked in...

{Words: 1085}

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