Story 7 Chapter 9

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Another one because I feel bad.

The basement boys sat in front of the tv trying to figure out what to watch. "Why can't we watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" "You know that nobody likes it but you." "Finn that's because you're a scaredy cat." "Shut up Robin." Bruce sighing at the argument starting to form and pressed on something that the others didn't seem to be paying much attention to. "Gwen remember when I watched it and I, very much, wasn't scared?" "Finn... you asked me if you could sleep with me that night because you were soooo scarred someone would kill you." "Shut up Gwen." Vance being fed up obviously jumped in. "Fucking pussy" "That's very misogynistic Vance" "VANCE IS A MISOGYNIST??" Finney laughed at the comment. "No, griffin. He isnt." "Guys-" "Finney is a little baby" Billy was feeling left out I guess bc he had nothing to do with this conversation. "GUYS IM PUTTING THIS ON NO DISAGREEMENTS!" "Sorry Bruce" Finney felt just a little bad for not noticing what Bruce was trying to say. "It's okay pookie" Robin stared at the screen looking like his eyes were going to pop out any second. "What the fuck is this." "It's Hocus Pocus can't you read fuck face." "GWEN" "What???" The boys burst out laughing while Gwen just smiled at her accomplishment of making people laugh. Gwen was the friendly type to make friends through humor. Billy stood up. "Im going to go get some snacks or something." "I'll go with you." Billy and Finney made their way to the kitchen. Billy started to put a popcorn bag in the microwave while Finney grabbed grapes from the fridge. "Make more popcorn for the others." "Why should I? They should get their ass over here and get it themselves." "Just do it." the boys went back to the living room. Billy, holding 7 bags of popcorn and Finney, holding a huge bowl of grapes. Billy gave everyone their bags and Finney sat the bowl in front of the tv. "Are we finally ready to watch this movie?" Robin said being so fucking impatient. Bruce rolled his eyes and turned on the movie.

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