Story 7 Chapter 10

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The movie had ended and the screen was dark. Everyone had fell asleep— well, except for someone. And that person would obviously be Finney. Finney couldn't understand how everyone could fall asleep just like that. Bruce was sleeping in front of the TV, Griffin was sleeping on the couch, Vance was sleeping behind Bruce, Robin was sleeping next to Finney, Gwen was on Finney's lap, and Billy was sleeping on the other side of the couch. The grapes had fell and the popcorn bags were only left with popcorn seeds, scattered around the room. Finney decided to get a snack. He carefully pushed a pillow under Gwen's head in replacement of him and stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Being too scared to turn the light on, he decided to stay in the dark. It wouldn't take too long anyways. He began searching the fridge. He laid eyes on some strawberries, contemplating on whether he should look for something else or just eat the strawberries. "Finney." Finney's heart almost flew out of his chest. Finney looked behind him to see Vance looking at him. "Hi, Vance. Why are you up?" "That's a good question. Why are you up?" silence entered the room awkwardly. "I asked you first." Vance rolled his eyes at his response. "I just woke up, okay? So will you answer my question now." Finney looked back into the fridge, grabbing the box of strawberries. "I'm just not tired." "Finney, it's 4am in the morning. How could you possibly not be tired??" his voice started to sound agitated. "I don't know. Do you want any strawberries?" A new voice came in. "Can I have some?" "Sure, Griffin." Vance stared at the smaller boy. He was both confused on how he didn't notice Griffin, and still bothered by his conversation with Finney. Finney washed the bowl from earlier that was holding the grapes, and he dropped the freshly cleaned strawberries into the bowl. "Let's head back to the living room." Vance and Griffin were now sitting in the living room back where they were once sleeping while Finney threw blankets onto the others. "You guys should head back to sleep." "But Finneyyyyyy I don't want to sleep anymore! I already woke up!" "Be quiet you little twerp." "I'm not a twerp you Billy Hargrove looking ass bitch." giggles could be heard from different voices than the three. Vance looked around to see the others giggling. Gwen jumped in. "You gon let that slide?" Vance looked at Griffin. "Shut up Griffin. I could literally pound you into the ground if I wanted to." "You can't do that until you get through me!" "Shut up, Billy." Finney sighed. "Great now everyone's awake. Does anyone want strawberries then?" everyone hummed in response, grabbing a strawberry from the bowl. "We didn't finish the movie!" "Bruce stop being so obsessed with watching this damn movie." "How about you stop hating on this movie." "How about-" "Robin." Robin turned his head to look at Finney who was sitting next to him. "Fine." Bruce turned the movie back on and skipped to the part they were last on.

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