1: Last Name: Wayne

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"Hello class. Since we have been learning about genetics and all the different chromosomes, I have decided that for our next assignment we will be taking DNA tests! This will show you all of your different genes." Ms. Mendeleiev spoke in her cold voice.

While everyone in the class spoke about how cool that would be, Marinette froze up.

She couldn't do a DNA test. She's terrified. All her life she has known that her Papa is not her real dad. And the fact that this assignment gives her the chance to know who her real father is, scared her.

What if he's a total creep? What if he doesn't like her? Does he even know she exists? Of course he does, Maman told him! But does he not want her? Is that why she hasn't met him yet? Wait, didn't Maman tell her that he wanted to keep her safe? That he had a high profile which made it dangerous for her? But she's Ladybug! She can get through anything! It couldn't be that bad. What if he was a villain, though? Is that why he said it would be dangerous for her? What if he was actually a hero!? Is that any worse? She's a hero, too, though... maybe he could help her? NO, she can't tell ANYBODY! What if he doesn't accept her when he eventually finds out!?! NO, he won't find out because she will NEVER MEET HIM! Or will she? Does she want to meet him? Yes. What if she has siblings? Would they accept her, too? If she has siblings then wouldn't they be at risk if her dad had such a high profile? Why did he accept them but not her?

"-inette? Marinette!"

Marinette snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up at her teacher. "Yeah?"

Ms. Mendeleiev sighed and shook her head. "You weren't listening. You completely zoned out for about 5 minutes. Here is a paper and the DNA test. The paper tells you how to take the test. Next time, please pay attention."

Marinette took the items with shaky hands. She couldn't take the test. But it's a grade so she has to. Marinette sighed and laid her head down on the cool desk. The cooling feeling helped ground her a little.

"Girl, are you okay? You've been a bit shaky ever since Ms. Mendeleiev announced the assignment." Alya asked as she put a hand on Mari's shoulder.

Marinette shrugged her hand off causing a hurtful expression to flash over Alya's face. "I'm fine." Marinette said as she sat up and got ready to take the test.

What ever Alya said next, Marinette ignored. Her mind racing as she quickly did the steps it took to take the test. She sighed once she finished and closed the envelope.

Time to wait.

What could possibly go wrong?


Marinette stared at the paper she had in her hands in complete shock.

It was a few weeks later. The class's results had been mailed in and today was the day they got it back. When Marinette had gotten her letter back she was nervous, scared, and everything that relates to those two emotions.

What she didn't expect was this. It had to be a different person right? It couldn't be who she thought it was.

Right there, next to the word Father, in bold print, was the name BRUCE WAYNE.

It had to be a different Bruce Wayne, right? It couldn't possibly be the billionaire playboy that everyone knows of. The one who has a lot of kids and lives in Gotham, THE MOST CRIME RIDDEN CITY TO EXIST!!!

Is this a good or bad thing? How did her Maman even meet him? What even led to her being born? Did he even care? Wait... is he the one that has been sending those anonymous gifts every year for her birthday and christmas? So he does care! But why hasn't she met him!?!

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