2: Meeting for the First Time

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~continuation of last name: wayne~

Marinette paced back and forth in her room as she let her anxiety run her mind.

She meets her dad today. He is in Paris RIGHT NOW! He is probably already here! Oh gods, what if he doesn't want her anymore. What if as soon as he meets her again then he'll immediately think that 'she's too crazy to be my daughter'. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE A DISASTER!

She'll probably trip and fall and spill coffee all over him! OR WORSE! SHE'LL SAY SOMETHING SO AWKWARD AND WEIRD AND HE WILL IMMEDIATELY LEAVE.

Marinette felt her self start to hyperventilate AGAIN. (She's been doing that a lot lately).

It's currently a Friday. Marinette's dad had came in the day before and was staying at a fancy hotel and will come over to the bakery to meet her (for the second time). He said he would be staying for a while since he has to check on the Wayne Enterprise branch here in France anyways.

"Marinette! Everything will be okay! Please calm down! I'm sure he will accept you." Tikki said as she patted her chosen's shoulder.

Marinette sighed. "Why is my life so crazy." She then groaned and face planted onto her chaise.

Marinette froze once she heard her trap door open.

"Marinette, Bruce is here." Sabine said softly.

Marinette sat up and looked at her mother, nervousness written all over her face.

"Maman, what if-"

"Marinette, he will love you, and accept you, even if it has been a few years and you have changed. There is no need to overthink the situation, darling." Sabine hugged Marinette in order to calm her down.

"Okay." Marinette whispered.

Sabine pulled away and held onto Marinette's shaking hands. "Deep breaths, okay? Everything will be alright."

Marinette nodded as Sabine helped her up and led her down to the living room.

As soon as she made it downstairs she saw her father (BRUCE FREAKING WAYNE!!!) pacing back and forth.

Sabine laughed at him softly. "Bruce, Marinette's here."

Marinette watched as he stopped and turned to them, his eyes landing on her and his features softening.

"Marinette, hi!" He said softly.

Marinette's eyes widened. Something about him was so familiar to her. And in a way... it comforted her.

"Hi...." She whispered shyly.

Sabine pushed her forward softly and smiled at the two of them. "I'll leave you two be."

Bruce smiled back at her and nodded. Sabine soon left the room leaving an awkward silence in the room.

Marinette studied Bruce a little bit. She noticed how he had the same blue eyes as her. Same hair, same nose. Why did it feel like she was going to cry? Didn't he seem taller in the pictures? What is wrong with her?! This is a mistake!

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