3: Lawsuit

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~continuation of meeting for the first time~

Marinette woke up early that bright Monday morning. It had been a week since she had finally re-met her dad and ever since then the two have been hanging out with each other once Marinette got out of school almost every day. Bruce would even go over to the bakery for dinner some times!

Marinette loved the time she spent with Bruce. Although most of the time was spent with the two of the catching up for the lost time, Marinette still enjoyed every minute of it. Only bad thing is that Marinette hasn't gotten the courage to actually call him her dad (Bruce said she could call him B like his other kids which led to a whole other story).

Marinette practically skipped to school with the thought of finally taking her dad sight seeing in Paris and giving him a Marinette exclusive tour ('An exclusive tour from THE Marinette. I am honored' '*giggling* I only call it that because you get to see my super secret hideouts I use for inspiration and for an escape from, well, life.' 'You had tons of hideouts at the manor. Despite you being barely able to walk, you always found a place to hide. One time...').

Marinette walked into school, more happy than anyone there has seen her in a while now. Most people glared at her (stupid Lila spreading her rumors of 'Marinette the Big Bad Bully') but there were still a few people looking at her in shock on how early she was.

Lila took notice of her happy mood and soured immediately. 'How is goody-two-shoes so happy. She deserves to suffer after everything she's taken from me!' Lila smirked evilly to herself as she realized she hasn't done much damage in a long time.

As Lila walked to class, right after Marinette had sat down, Alya came up to her with confusion.

"Girl why are you smiling like crazy?"

Lila saw this as an opportunity to spread an even bigger lie.

Lila smiled sweetly and sighed as if she were in love. "Oh nothing! It' just", as the both walked into the class everyone turned to them seeing as Lila was really really loud, "my precious Dami-boo has been texting me non-stop today- Oh no! I wasn't supposed to say that! Please don't tell anyone. This is supposed to be a secret!"

The class, minus Marinette and Chloe (she was too busy arguing on the phone quietly), started to reassure Lila that her secret was safe.

"If you don't mind me asking, Lila, who is this 'Dami-boo' you speak of?" Rose sweetly asked.

The rest of the class eagerly wait for an answer.

Lila sighed. "I guess it wont hurt.... My Dami-boo is none other than Damian Wayne! We used to be childhood best friends and Bruce Wayne even sees me as his own daughter!"

Before anyone could react a loud crash was heard from the back of the class room. Everyone saw Marinette staring at Lila with anger in her eyes and took notice of all the things Marinette had dropped.

"Marinette whats your problem lately?!" Alya yelled at the girl.

"What's my problem? My problem is the girl claiming to know the Waynes! She is a total liar!" Marinette turns her gaze to Lila. "Lying about the Waynes can get you sued, Rossi." Marinette then stormed out of the class room, her things left forgotten at her desk.

Lila broke down in her usual crocodile tears. "I don't know what I ever did to Marinette! I just got back from a trip with my mom after we traveled to Italy and she treats me like this?!"

"Its okay Lila, she doesn't know what she is talking about."

"Yeah she is just jealous."

"I cant believe she would do that to you!"

Bio Dad! Bruce Wayne Month 2022 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें