Chapter 2

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  "I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of this," my mother complains as I hang another banner, this time across the front door of our home. 

  Internally, and probably also visibly, I roll my eyes at her words.

  "It's not like he's going to remember this day at all."

  With the banner taped down, I step off the chair and survey my work. Closing the door I walk back into the kitchen. "He may not remember any of it, but his dad and I will."

  "Travel all this way for your birthday, and you're making a bigger deal out of it for him than you."

  I grit my teeth and clench my fists that are thankfully hidden well as I slide the birthday cake out of the fridge, settling it down on our small two person kitchen table. "I don't really care to celebrate myself anymore," I somewhat laugh in order to bite back my disdain with my mother.

  "You should always celebrate you, Annie."

  I'm not real sure I expected anything different as my mother has always been a rather selfish woman. My father always catered to her every need and whim, giving in no matter what was asked. Their sons, hung the moon and were their pride and joy. In the same regard, they were given all their hearts desires as well leading to them having an 'all about me' mentality as well. 

  That was just never who I was.

  Even in high school I was popular, head cheerleader dating the captain of the football team, and still I never wanted to be anything like the other popular kids. I enjoyed building friendships off of the character of someone, not what they could do for me. 

  "Why all the superhero decorations? He's really too little to know anything about any of them. You could've done something more cute like 'Wild One' or something sports related in honor of his daddy."

Once again I'm internally rolling my eyes, being careful to not expel the disdain over the fact that she doesn't really know her grandson. "He likes the bright colors of the Marvel characters, so why not?"

My mother runs her hand over the tablecloth that's filled with all the cartoon Avenger characters. "It's just silly if you ask me."

"Well, no one did," Ian comments, coming into the room and to my rescue. Most women would scoff at something like that from a male counterpart, but my mother thinks they just enjoy joking with one another so she playfully swats at his arm. "Looks great, babe."

"Thanks," I smirk as he comes closer to me, placing a quick peck on my cheek. "Wanna see if the birthday boy is awake yet?"

Before my husband can respond, I hear the babbling coming from the baby monitor. "When are your parents coming?" I call out to his back as he goes to Walker's room.

"Uh, any time now, I think." He brings my baby boy into the room to see the transformation that took place while he took his afternoon nap.

"Hello my little love," I announce, making him turn his head towards me. I reach my arms out, grabbing him up from his father. "What do you see?" I ask, watching him timidly look around, not focusing on anything specific. 

  "He sees a lot of nonsense," my mother quips as she approaches us. "Huh, Walkie. All this fuss and you're never gonna remember any of it." 

  I notice him looking past her as she speaks to him, right in front of his face. Ian walks by, letting his parents in the front door. "Watch out now, you're gonna scare him with those old crows feet of yours."

  My mother belts out a laugh and follows along behind my husband leaving Walker and I to ourselves in the kitchen.  "Don't worry, my love. I'd ignore her to if I could."

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