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The warden was hesitant to agree once he saw who they would be working for but I assured him that I was aware of what they did to be in jail and that I was in no way afraid of them. It wasn't until I told him he could send a guard or two if he desired, but I was not going to change my mind. He made sure I knew that I could be dealing with gang or mafia members before he approved after I once again assured him that I was fine with that. After he left, I went back to the kitchen to make the special for the day.

As the day went on, I got to work out front just in time for Ares to come in. "Dari, I apologize for upsetting you last night. That was not my intention in any way. Will you forgive me?" Ares asked. I nodded my head yes at him as he sighed in response before I asked, "What can I get you?" "Whatever you think we'll like," he responded. I set to work, making each of their coffees and packaging and labeling their treats. "This coffee is yours," I said, pointing to the one diagonal from the iced coffee. "I put your names on your cups and food boxes this time along with what is in it. Alec's is a new recipe I tried today." I explained. "Thank you," Ares said before pulling out his wallet, asking, "How much do I owe you?" "$30" I answered. I was pleasantly surprised when he pulled out two twenties and waited for his change before leaving. Right after I got home for the day, there was a knock on my door followed by two more each three minutes apart. Three triangular shaped vases were delivered, each with an assortment of three flowers and a note. The first was from Alec, then Ace, and finally Ares. Each note was a simple thank you, but it made me smile as I headed to bed for the night. I woke up hours later before deciding to go to work early, skipping the club.

It was four in the morning when there was a knock on the shop's door. I answered it with a smile seeing Ryan. I welcomed him in letting him take a seat in the kitchen as I continued working. We shared stories about our childhood and overall became closer as he shared how he came to live with his grandmother. It was upsetting really he came out to his mom when he was fifteen and her boyfriend almost beat him to death that night. She sent him to live with his grandmother after that, never contacting them again. "You'd like my parents, and I'm sure they would all like you," I stated. "My mom will probably eat junk food with you while you both discuss your abuse. My fathers, at least two of them, will teach you to defend yourself, another will be overly protective of you, and the final three will definitely want to take you shopping since you like it." I continued. "Wait, you have six fathers? How is that even possible?" Ryan questioned. "My biological parents are in a committed relationship with five other men. I know it's abnormal to everyone else, but it's all I've ever known." I answered with a shrug. We talked until I washed up, and then we exchanged phone numbers before he left.

Work was busy that day, and Saturday was just as busy, so when I woke up from my phone ringing Saturday night, I wasn't the most thrilled after four hours of sleep. "Can you come help? I'm desperate." Ryan said. "I'll be there as fast as I can." I answered. I took a fast shower, skipping my hair. I put my hair up in two high pigtails and put on a plaid high-waisted skirt with a matching half top that tied shut at the bottom of my breasts. I was thankful my bruising went away as I slipped my red bottom heals on and rushed out the door.

I got to the club and couldn't help but chuckle as it was the same bouncer. I walked in and headed straight to the bar. A large crowd was around the bar. I managed to find a small opening and squeezed my way to the front of the bar before jumping up onto it. The crowd quieted once I was sitting on the bar. I was able to just hop behind it from my spot with no problem. I started making drinks as fast as I could, helping Ryan out. I managed to ask where the other bartenders were, and he said they were out sick. I huffed in frustration irritated once more. I served more and more drinks, asking if this was members only night. It will be at ten until three. The crowd around the bar dissipated as the alcohol flowed. When it was manageable for Ryan alone, I told him I'll be back in a few before setting off towards Alec's office.

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