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The first few days home flew by with Ryan here. He never questioned anything the whole time he was here with people taking orders or the guns they carried. Ryan was loved by my parents just like I said he would be. My mother even voluntarily went out shopping with him and Aunt Snap. It was once he left that the five months of recovery time drug on and on. I couldn't do anything until six weeks in when my arms were freed. Then, it was time for my physically therapy to start. Six weeks after that I got my leg cast off. I've been doing therapy daily for three months before I put my foot down.  I was healed and I no longer felt a strain on my body like when I started therapy. It was time for me to go home to New York City. I wanted out of here as soon as I could. It came with upsetting my family that I wanted to leave. "Promise me you'll come home for the ball next weekend? You're fathers and I are announcing our successor to the mafia world and we want you present. I know you don't have anything to do with this life, but it would mean a lot for us and your brothers if you came," Mom said earnestly. "I'll come mom. It'll be my first ball and my last though. I'm sure Ryan will help find a dress for me in New York. I won't change me to fit into your world though. The seven of you made it so I was never known to live after the kidnapping when I was a little child. You all made the choice to hide me from the outside world and it's my choice to enter this world, even if just for the night." I responded. "Thank you honey. It means a lot that you are willing to do this," mom said giving me a hug good bye before I left to get on the plane east bound. I made it home to my apartment safe and sound before heading to bed.

Waking up early I showered and got dressed in a simple white long-sleeved baby doll dress. It was officially Saturday, to me at least, Friday night to everyone else. I intended to offer my day to Ace, Alec, and Ares, if they wanted it. I made it into the club instantly making my way to the bar. The bar was packed with people and the three bartenders were swamped with no end in sight. I frowned seeing that nothing has changed.  I slipped through the crowd and ducked behind the bar quickly and started serving drinks. I put each tip in the jar under the counter. It was near the end of the crowd that there was a rude jerk. I gave him a sickly sweet smile as I threw his drink at him. "I don't care about complaints. You want something done about me get the owner," I stated in all seriousness before moving on.

The crowd was manageable easily by the time I took a seat in front of Ryan. "So what's your Sunday plans?" I asked. "Walk grandma to the church she found and then walk with her home. I don't want her to risk a fall on her own," Ryan stated. "If I join you both for church tomorrow, will you come dress shopping with me afterwards?" I asked with pleading eyes and a pouty lip. Ryan chuckled at me, "You hate shopping." "That is very true, but I need a dress for my parents annual charity ball. It's my first and last time going. I need help with shopping though," I responded. "I'll help. We leave for church at 10:30am. It starts at 11am," he informed me just before I heard the rude man once more.

I turned to see Alec standing with the rude man who was explaining what happened. He never realized that Alec completely quit paying him any attention to him. Alec's eyes were locked on me as he approached me. "I should have known it was you, poppet," Alec said caressing the side of my face. I smiled leaning into his touch before saying,  "Make it up to me." "How can I do that?" He inquired. "Well, I do believe I owe you a Saturday. You could collect that," I offered blinking up at him. "Done, four dates tomorrow, one for each of us and one all together. One of us will pick you up at 10am," Alec answered.  He went to leave but I  stopped him by initiating contact between us. "What is it, poppet?" Alec questioned. "I'm sorry it took so long. My parents were overbearingly overprotective once more. They were worried because of my condition that I couldn't tell if I was ready to be done with therapy," I answered. "Poppet, you are worth the wait. We want you healthy. We are so incredibly sorry that you were hurt by Gerald like that. He can't hurt you again," Alec said with a promise. I let him go watching him escort the rude guy out. I turned to Ryan asking, "Where's Gerald?" "He's dead. I found out when I came back after going with you out to your family. I never even got the chance to tell anyone about what happened to you," Ryan stated. I told him goodbye before leaving the bar.

I shook my head trying to get the thought of it being my fault out of my head. I don't like violence, but I was raised with it happening around me. I found myself searching for information about Gerald's death on my walk to the coffee house. I was just outside the coffee house when I froze mid step as I read 'gang violence'. I knew it wasn't my family as the hit happened while I was still in the hospital here. Theo was plastered to my bedside the entire time and Marie was never involved in violence. Ryan told me that Gerald said I fell, but Alec knew Gerald hurt me. He must of viewed the security footage, most likely with his brothers or informing them about it. A flash of a conversation with Ryan ran through my head of them being the scariest men in New York. I'm hoping it's just a coincidence.

"Dari?" I heard Knox question. "Hi Knox, I just came to check up on things. I'll be in on Monday to help some," I stated coming out of my thoughts. I looked over the books we kept making sure everything was in order. I talked with Knox about the concerns he had about his daughters upcoming visitation for Christmas. It was this week on the Friday before my parents ball. "Knox I want you to come into work that day. I will be here to do all the work once we open. Have your daughter meet you here. I will let you both celebrate Christmas together. Are you able to do any Christmas shopping for her?" I questioned. "I can't," he responded dejectedly. "Tell me what she likes," I said. I made mental notes of what he told me before asking "How is she getting here?" "My wife will drive her out from the Syracuse area the night before. My daughter, Delilah, gets motion sick very easily and the four hour drive is way too much for her." Knox explained. "So when you said affordable before I left you meant for your family?" I asked. "Yes, my wife has always wanted to live in this city. Everything I make here goes to her to pay our bills at home but with picking up Titus's shifts we've build up some extra money after paying off the lawyers, finally." He said in response. I let the conversation end there. I helped him by making the special for the day, raspberry and dark chocolate tarts. I made a couple of coffees and packaged up a couple tarts before heading up to talk to Mrs. Lane. I asked her to prep the open apartment for Friday. Then, I walked home taking a short nap for the day.

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