You are not so perfect, but so beautiful.

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I always come to the same milk bar at seven in the morning

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I always come to the same milk bar at seven in the morning. I always order the exact same thing. I always have it served the same way. I eat everything in a certain order. Food on the plate must not touch each other.It took me a few weeks, but eventually the staff got used to me and my routine. They roll their eyes at me but they do everything right anyway. You're probably wondering what kind of weirdo I am. Well, all because of my PTSD and OCD.Well, I'm an ex-special forces soldier. We were the best of the best but after that everything we experienced started to come back to us, and of course I don't mean memories but rather nightmares, they sent me for tests and found that I was no longer fit for duty.I was active as an instructor for a while, but eventually my disorders took over and I had to retire. Now I live alone and am trying to put my life back together. Planning the day, the order of activities, visits the psychiatrist, all this to feel, for a moment, that I have control over my life. Unfortunately, I can't control everything and everyone, no matter how much I want to. Often someone or something disrupts my daily routine and I feel terrible. I am scered and furious at the same time. I'm getting paranoid. I feel like I'm losing control and it's driving me crazy. That's why I avoid people as much as possible. I isolates mself so as not to trigger further attacks. As I am an orphan, I have no family. I'm avoiding people so I have no friends. My only contact with people are visits to this milk bar and psychiatrist's office. I even shop online. The psychiatrist advised me to get a pet, but it didn't work out well. You can train a dog, but it's still a living animal and you can't force it to follow a plan or rules. I've come to the conclusion that my life is totally fucked up. So I'm sitting in this milk bar looking at my plate full of food and trying to force myself to move to get through the day. Just as I was reaching for my fork, a sudden impact on the side of my table caused it to fall to the floor. On a dirty, trampled, bacteria-filled floor.Just brilliant. Annoyed, I looked to my left, ready to show my displeasure, but I couldn't say anything. A young woman was leaning against my table. She looked no older than twenty-five. She had dark red, shoulder-length wavy hair. She wasn't tall, maybe 170 cm. She was wearing long light brown boho trousers, black sandals and a white t-shirt. Despite her oversized clothes, you could see the contours of her feminine curves. Her hands were slender, and her nails were painted a milky color. My keen eye immediately noticed croasant crumbs on her T-shirt, and the remnants of jam on her hand.A shiver of disgust ran through me. When the stranger turned her head towards me, I saw the greenest eyes ever. Her face was pale, but her cheeks had a slight shade of pink. Big raspberry lips and a tiny nose completed the picture. The woman, seeing my furrowed brow, removed her hand from my table as if it burned her. As she did so, she staggered dangerously, but caught her balance at the last moment. A laptop bag draped over her shoulder. I cleared my throat significantly, the woman blushed even more.

-I'm sorry, sir. I really didn't mean to disturb you. Please don't be angry.- Her melodious voice blessed my ears. With a sigh, I reached for my napkin and bent down to pick up my fork, picking it up through it.

-It's nothing.Just be careful next time.- I replied, not wanting to look rude in front of a beautiful woman.

"Yes, she was a beautiful woman."

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