This is real me.You have to take me, because you don't have chance to leave me.

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I put my keys and took off my shoes

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I put my keys and took off my shoes. I checked if the door was locked and tried to call my husband again. I was starting to get worried because he usually answered right away and was already home at this hour. I was starting to worry that something bad happened to him. I nervously dialed his number again and all I heard was voicemail. Flustered, I threw my phone on the kitchen counter and started unpacking groceries. I work in a real estate agency and usually come from work later than my husband Gerard. He's a civil servant and works behind a desk just like me. I sighed and started preparing dinner, promising myself that I would try to call him again in 5 minutes.I met my husband during a Spanish language course. It was nothing out of the ordinary. It definitely wasn't love at first sight. Only over time did our friendship develop and deepen. We had a lot in common and similar work. We are both tall. I am 180 cm tall and my husband is 191 cm tall. I am slim and he is athletically built. We like going to the gym together. It's good to move after 8 hours of sitting in one place. We both have black hair. However, I have light brown eyes and he has metallic gray ones. We both rarely smile and look quite intimidating.Although I always hear that I look friendlier. We are both realists with our feet firmly on the ground. I remember one autumn evening, when we met after work in a cafe. Gerard asked if I would marry him and live in his house. I was surprised but with a calm face I replied "ok". So if someone was expecting a fiery romance, unfortunately they won't find it in our story. This doesn't mean that we don't take care of ourselves and don't show each other tenderness when we are alone. We also worry about ourselves just like I do now. Another call and again no response. I ate dinner and put some for my husband in the fridge. Maybe there's no signal.Still anxious, I took a shower and changed into my pyjamas and decided to wait for him in bed. If something had happened to him they would surely contact me. If he didn't return by morning I would report him missing to the police. I leaned against the bed frame and tried to stay awake. Unfortunately, after an hour I couldn't resist any longer and drifted off into the land of Morpheus.Muffled sounds and the faint light of the bedside lamp woke me up from my sleep. Barely conscious, I raised my head. Vaguely, I saw a figure at the side of the bed and at that moment I felt a large, warm hand on my head. The hand stroked me in a soothing way and I heard a familiar voice:

-Sleep, it's only me.-Gerard's deep baritone immediately made me relax and I fall asleep again. I didn't even think to look what time is it.

The alarm made me jump to my feet. I know it was Saturday, but I had a special client who needed special care and I had to introduce him to some properties today. I looked to my right. My husband was sleeping peacefully on his back as if nothing had happened. I looked at him for any scratches or bruises. I didn't see anything like that. He looked the same as he always did. His skin was as fair as ever.The slim face and prominent cheekbones have not changed either. There was always a Swedish beard and mustache on his face, and his short-black hair was strewn across the pillow. He was wearing dark gray and satin pajamas, which he liked the most. I looked at him for a few more seconds and then went to the bathroom. After a shower and makeup, I put on dark, fabric pants and a cream turtleneck. I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. As I was getting ready to leave, my husband appeared on the horizon. He was wearing a black T-shirt and tracksuits of the same color. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow:

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