-Part 1-

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-chapter 1-

Aonung POV:

"Why do we need to help those freaks!?"aonung sighed as tseriya  gave him a frown in return."sorry seriya.."he added not trying to make her mad or furious  at this moment

"Well aonung,our parents gave us this,to handle because  they belive in us!"tseriya  said trying to relax down aonung's nerves."or just because we are the only kids they have seriya"he added and she sighed."its hard talking  to you nung,your very smart with  words but not your brain."she sighed again making aonung lift his head up in disbelief and somewhat embarrassment.

"Well little nung,come we must go teach the other navi!"she said smiling but deep down aonung knew she only was excited  because  of the younger navi boy,whos name was apparently  implied to be spoken as "Lo'ak".

"Fine seriya,But stop calling me little when ur the youngest!"he said as tseriya  gigled hovering her hand over her mouth,which by substances they both somewhat  did most of the time,i guess it was a family thing,something they could bond over more if they ever really had the time and attention of their parents.

Neteyam POV:

I watched as the other two navi walked down and only one smiled which would of course be the girl who apparently  lo'ak took a liking to which was VERY obvious,but i won't tease him,atleast not yet that is ofc.

I once again watched as the boy walked into the water,we didn't  know if we should've  walked in aswell so we didn't ,he started  making noises that went like "took,tuuk",though it really wasn't  like that all of course  i have bad memory of this stuff.

I watched  as the male turned around as things swam around him making circles,"if you want to live here,you have to ride"he said.i watched  as lo'ak went ahead and tried but failed after only a few secounds,the boy rose up apon the water and laughed as i saw his sister laugh but coverd her mouth to seem a little more nicer then her brother.

Lo'aks POV:

I arose from the water as I walked only to see the make laughing I almost  hissed at him,but then remembered  that I couldn't  even do that simple  thing.so I sat down as his sister asked me if I was alright I smiled and blushed as she sat next to me watching  as neteyam took his turn

I was shocked to see that neteyam actually lasted longer then I,but then I forgot that neteyams better at everything,since he Is the golden child AFTER kiri,who is a brat.but then I watched as neteyam fell off the liu,i would've  laughed but i couldn't  knowing  i fell of aswell.

Neteyam POV:

I managed to stay on awhile and aonung seemed to be furious  but as soon as i smiled with happiness  i managed  to have fell out of nowhere,i frowned  and saw as aonung laughed again kicking his feet in the sand laid below him as if he were seeing a baby fall of a tree.

"HAHAHAHA!"Aonung laughed as he saw lo'ak sneak a glare but he didn't  seem fazed,at first only until his sister tseriya  had enough and rose from the ground and pulled his zrm all the way to thier hut and talked with him,i could've  seen how angry he was if tuk hadn't  distracted  me at that moment,but it was fine lo'ak told me anyways.

[545 words not including this]

[Sorry its short i just started writing]

Uh yeah ^^

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