[^Chapter 1^]

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|3rd person|

Patrick And Henry was at the junkyard, it was raining heavily and storming. "ADMIT YOU DID IT HENRY.." Patrick yelled on top of Henry with a blade. "PATRICK I DIDNT DO ANYTHING." Henry yelled tryna push the taller male off of him, Patrick put the blade to Henry neck, Henry looked down at the blade with wide eyes.

Henry gulped forming tears, not wanting to die by his childhood best friend. "Patrick please.. I'm begging you." Henry said with a shivering voice. "Admit. You told my parents that I was a damn RAPIST." Patrick said pushing the blade even closer, "Patrick I didn't do.. I swear It wasn't me.." Patrick threw the blade and started chocking Henry, "p.. Patrick.. Please... " Henry said tears falling. Patrick let go of Henry and got up. "You fucking crybaby." Patrick said grabbing his blade. "What do you mean, you tried to kill me , you bitch.

Henry said. Patrick helped Henry up and dusted him off, "my face has blood all over it.. I need a wipe you got any?" Henry said rubbing his nose, Patrick gave him some alcohol and a rag. Henry wiped face. And put the alcohol on his scars, he hissed in pain as the alcohol makes pain rush towards his body. Henry limped home after the fight and the accusation that Patrick did . He got into the house late , like at 4:28 in the morning.

|next morning 7:29 am|

¥Henry POV¥

I woke up for school this morning. Getting out of bed, and grabbing my clothes going to the bathroom. I turned on the shower, I hoped into the shower and started washing my body. I loved the streaming smoke forming inside the bathroom, I turned off the shower, and wrapped the towel around my body, I dried off and put in my clothes, a comfortable hoodie, since it was cold outside. About 20 degrees outside, and some jeans , I brushed my teeth and grabbed my keys and left the house. I was tired, cause I didn't get that much sleep last night cause of the fight.

I walked down to the bus stop waiting for the bus to get here. I got on the bus and sat in my original seat, I looked out the window waiting to get to school, I slepted on the bus till we got to school.

[At school]

I woke up seeing we was at school, i got off the bus and everybody was staring at me. I was tired of them staring at me.. "what the Fuck are y'all looking at dipshits?" I said mad, belch went up to me. "Belch what's wrong? What happened." I said with maddest. "Did you and Patrick fight? " belch said looking at me. I looked at him confused. He showed me a video, I looked at it in a angry looked, I took the phone and saw Patrick walking up to the school. "PATRICK HOCKSETTER WHAT THE FUCK.." I yelled at him pushing him to the ground and hopping on top of him. I showed Patrick the video and he smirked. I punched him in the face getting gasps from everybody outside, patrick spited blood out smiling

The teachers came and pulled me off of Patrick I was mad as shit, i was boiling mad as fuck. I couldn't believe he posted that video . My dad held me down "boy what has gotten into you lately? My father said tryna hold me back. From getting expelled .

|3rd POV |
Oscar let go of Henry seeing him calm down, Henry hugged his father tight. Henry never hugged his father after his mother left him with his father. Henry got up. And started 2alking away from his father, going inside the school with some headphones' minding his own business. He walked into his class and sat down in then back of the class. Writing in his notebook.

"Henry... HENRY." The teacher said trying to get the attention of Henry. "What the actual fuck do you want?' Henry said looking up. From his paper: "answer the question.," the teacher said pointing the ruler at Henry. "Okay dipshit of a teacher, the scare point is 23" Henry said gong to sit down and sleep. "C-correct, " the teacher said. Going back to the lessons.

|after class and school|

Patrick looked over his shoulder to see Henry still sleep. "Henry.." Patrick said tryna shake him to wake up, ' Henry mumbles turning his head to the side. "Shit," Patrick Said cursing under his breath: he picked Henry up and walked out the class room, getting stares. Patrick didn't give to fucks.

"Henry. Sorry," Patrick said knowing he would never say sorry to anybody, even Henry' "Patrick put me the fuck down." Henry said slapping Patrick making him drop Henry. Henry got up and walked away from Henry with his pocket knife' Patrick walked the other way.

|Patrick household| Patrick POV|

"Oh my dear Patrick. We been worried!!"  My mother said as I returned home. My mother was all up on me, I was uncomfortable' "Mom get the fuck off me" I said pushing her to the ground, "o-oh sorry sweetie.." my mother said getting off the floor and walking to the kitchen.

I ran upstairs to the bathroom grabbing the blade, I loved pain and blood. "Did I mention I murdered my brother 'Avery" while he was sleeping"  I looked in the mirror and put the blade to my arm. I cut my arm' letting the blood the drip from my arm. "Shit.." I Said looking for a towel to wash the blood off and to wrap my arm.

I walked out of the bathroom and got undressed. I put on a shirt and some shorts. I turned off my light and went to lay in my bed.

|Henry household| Henry POV|

Henry had just got home, he walked upstairs avoiding any contact with his father. He went to take a shower turning on the shower on cold. And getting and washing every single spot. He got out and grabbed his towel. He dried off ' he put on a shirt and some baggy pants and went to to his bedroom laying down after a long day.

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