Second death

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Hutch is shown as a pair of elevator doors are shown opening as he steps out of the elevator as he silently staring at his old bosses office the elevator closed behind him before he shakes him self out of his thoughts before walking forward.soon he is shown type of the computer looking up some things. He types in the name Loomis Crowley before clicking on something called massacre in Church point when a website called police detective database is pulled up as multiple pictures are shown take it from the crime scene as he reads."no distinguishing marks"he whispered before clicking on the picture of the report of Loomis's death as he reads. He then looks through multiple pictures taken of loomis's Crowley's body puncture wounds are shown in his neck from what he was hung on his neck clearly was broken.

Hutch then types in something els before another thing is pulled up a description of what Miller was start with describe that as 14-in adjoined twin blades known as shears before a picture of the exact shears as shown that was in the game as chills with them his back just staring at it.he takes a deep breath as now his is looking through Miller's death report before looking at the pictures that were taken off him from the crim scene.

As he was turning off the computer a loan screeching is heard as a young dead females body is shown walking slowly through the Ile twitching before was dark as he walks past multiple Iles as he looks through the papers he just pretend. As an Ile pass as a dead girl moans lowly just as a rumbling noise his heard just as he reaches the door. Down the ile something is shown moving but he slightly waves it off as he exists through the door as he is now shown in the lobby heading to the elevator but stops hearing something as he takes a step back while piring down where millers office is "hello? Anybody there?"he calls out when he doesn't get a response he slowly walks to millers old office not noticing a dark shadow zoom across the class window behind he moves closer the rumbling gets louder.

He slowly enters millers old office he takes the yellow police cross tape down before walking slowly to where the rumbling is coming from it sounded was coming from under his desk so hutch slowly got down on his knees as he looks under the desk as he slowly reaches what looks like a cell phone as he grabs it making the rumbling noise stop. Just as he sets up on his knees breathing heavily before placing the phone against his ear."hello?"he asked into the phone before a figure is shown in the mirror beside him as he slowly turns and looks before jumping"Jesus Christ!" around only to see it was just Loretta.

"What are you doing here, hutch you shouldn't be in the office I'm collecting some things from Miller's family the funerals tomorrow"she tells him as she stood at the door way while hutch was breathing heavily before slightly seeing the shattered mirror beside him as he stares at it for a second before looking up at Loretta"I'm sorry, Loretta, I got to go"he apologizes before walking past her.

Soon a red folder is shown being thrown in a table in the cafe."this is why I'm missing my G4 tech TV weekend wrap up"swink asked annoyed slightly while jennet gently slaps his arm telling him to stop as they are soon shown gathering around a table as October was shown walking over with a drink"hot sugar we had this conversation" as Abigail open the file while she takes a seat beside jennet who looks up at her brother worried while swink takes the drink October handed to him.

"Call me crazy, call me paranoid, I don't give a shit Just look at this"as he tells everyone while he looks around not seeing Phineas anywhere"why isn't Phineas showing"he asked October who shrugged her shoulders"he said he'd be here, so he'll be here".

Jennet looks back up at her brother with worried eyes"hutch what's going on"as swink hugs her waist in comfort.

Hutch then grabs the papers he printed out"okay, so we all saw that Miller was stabbed to death. The cops think he was stabbed with shears. Loomis's friends too"as a flash back of millers death in the game is shown . "Sarah-her body was drained of blood."as a flash back of the night her characters body was found by loomises game character before it actually happened."the police report said loomises Nick was broken and he was hung in the game."as a flash back of loomis's character hanging in the game just like how he died. October looks deep in thought as she nods"they all died the same way they died in the game this can't just be some coincidence"hutch explained his theory as they all share a look before swink starts to freak out as he slams his lap top closed"I don't like this at all." as jennet rubs his back in comfort as October tosses the papers back on the table before she gets up looking worried before looking at hutch"more importantly right now, where the fuck is my brother."as they all share a worried look they needed to find phin fast.

Soon phin is shown rideing in his car as he drives down a road singing loudly "close your eyes, I want to ride the skies in my sweet dreams. Close your eyes, I want to see you tonight in my sweet dreams. Funky."he sings as he continues to drive when all of sudden the area around him starts to change with a low whooshing sound as the sky becomes dark as larger trees like in the game appears out of nowhere with fog as he looks around confused before looking into his mirror as he adjusts it only for a a girl to appear in the middle of the road causing him to scream as he swerves out of the way from hitting her before pulling to a harsh halt in front of a tree as he sits there panting.

He then unbuckles his seatbelt as he gets out of the car looking all around him with his phone in his hand as he slightly starts to walk down the road."hey is anybody out there?"he calls out.

The others are shown back at the Cafe well October is on the phone with her brother"phin are you okay"she asked him through the phone.

"Uh yeah,I'm awesome"phin's voice is heard after a moment.

"Phin it's hutch.where are you"hutch asked once October puts her phone on speaker as she sets it on the table.

"I was on my way but my whip got stuck out on River road."he is shown walking around with the phone pressed to his ears."I'm just south of binky's adult store"he told him his location as he looks all around pacing.

"I'll drive "Abigail offers as she is shown standing before phin is shone standing in the middle of the road again "who's that Abigail" hey asked he breathing hard.

"Yeah"she calls out.

"What's up mama"he calls out through the phone.

"What's up"as he starts paceing around again on the road.

"Hey swink, when you were talking about perceptive reality trash, were you talking about hearing or seeing things, or both"he asked jennets boyfriend as they share a look.

"Both it's bizarre here retinally speaking..."swink goes to says before phin is shown again as he paces "shut up. I've not tripped out like this since I ate that high blotter acid at Bible camp brother"he explains as he continues to pave before October's voice is heard"phin hang on. We're coming to get you."before they are shown heading out of the cafe to pick him up"stay on the phone with us"hutch says before phin is shown ounce again before October's voice is heard once again over the phone"phin. You didn't die in the game I'll be right there."she assured her brother as he cheers"that's right! I didn't die in the game, baby"he cheers but soon he slowly stops a horse can be heard neighing in distance lowly as he realized something as he looked all around as he stops the neighing grew louder."hey "as more horse neighing is heard around him but he doesn't see any horse's around as chills went down his back as he looks down one side of the road as he walks forward slightly "wait a minute. In the game she only comes at night."he says to him self a he looks all the neighing of the horse grew louder as he freezes in his spot as he slowly turns back around but doesn't see anything as he fear starts to fill him as the neighing of a horse continues all around him."is anybody out there?"he asked nervously as he slightly looked around him but just as he goes to turn around as a whip is heard with a horse neighing loudly as its hooves hit against the pavement as phin's eyes go wide as he screams when all of sudden he is railed by black horse-drawn carriage as the horse stumps over his body before the wheels drag him across the pavement killing him instantly before his body gets loose of the wheel as his body rolls once or twice before laying on his back dead with blood spots forming all over his body from his head to his torso as his eyes stare blankly ahead.

stay aliveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon