Chapter 22

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Chapter 722 - The Method To Enduring Memories (5)

“…Uhh, yeah.”

Choi Jung Gun accepted Cale’s greeting in an extremely awkward voice.

"He, mmm." Cage frowned. "For someone who is considered to be the first Dragon Slayer and the person who killed the ancient White Star, Choi Jung Gun seems rather timid?"

Tasha* hesitantly nodded. "Is it really the same person? It could be someone else disguised as Choi Jung Gun too, right?"

But Cale's response ended all doubts. "No, that is indeed who is known as the first Dragon Slayer."

Since Cale wasn't someone to joke around with something like this, they dropped it. But at the same time, a lot of questions rose over how the ancient White Star had actually been defeated.

At the same time, Cale noted the silence of his ancient powers with a frown.

Cale peeked toward the notepad on the table where Choi Jung Gun had been sitting.

‘Everything else was the same.’

Cale had not noticed anything special after finishing his evening lessons and following his memories back to the orphanage last night.

Those who had entered the Temple with Cale, nodded. "The test really replicated all the details of various worlds perfectly." Rosalyn noted with a thoughtful look. "It almost seemed like a different dimension rather than a test."

Different thoughts rose just from that one statement but the one that dominated most minds was Choi Han's test of indignity. 

With a glance at Cale, who was watching the screen without suspecting anything, Alberu wondered if it would truly be okay for them to watch that scene. 'This forced exposure of the deepest parts of him can't be pleasant.'

‘My room was a single room.’

The children at the orphanage usually stayed with a roommate until the end of their freshman year of high school. However, Cale’s situation was different because the kid who was sharing the room with him had left the orphanage. He had heard that the kid had come to the orphanage because his family’s financial situation was not good but had returned home with his dad once it got better.

Had they been watching this scene without knowing about the curse on Cale, no one would have paid much attention to this information. But knowing about the curse, and just what it put Cale through made them flinch.

Choi Han* stared at the screen in a daze. Ever since he had heard about the curse, he had been feeling a strange sensation, like his skin was crawling. He stole glances at the man at the center of everything that was going on right now: Cale Henituse.

'How is he so calm?' Choi Han* couldn't figure it out. The swordmaster wasn't naive. He knew bad people existed in the world and as long as those people existed, victims of such people would exist too. Choi Han* had believed that Cale Henituse, or, Kim Rok Soo had been such a victim.

But it was so much more than just that. Cale Henituse wasn't just a victim to an unfortunate incident - no, he had been damned even before he was born. He was damned to suffer, to lose everyone he loved, to be beaten again and again by every aspect of his life. 

But this kid, who was less than a third of Choi Han*'s age, was strong enough to get back up, stare his misfortune dead in the eye and flip it off. He was strong enough to not run away from his misery but rather grow from it. 

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