Chapter 30

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Chapter 731

# Pushing forward too rashly (1)

As the screen flashed and the next viewing was about to begin, a gasp interrupted its proceedings.

Turning around, the audience found the main character of all of the current events, Cale Henituse, leaning forward in his seat as he tried to gain someone's attention.

"Before we start this viewing, Hyung-nim and…"

Looking in the opposite direction Cale found Alberu Crossman* looking at him with well concealed curiosity. "...Your Highness Alberu Crossman*. You both need to decide whether you want to continue with the viewing or not. A lot of your secrets will be revealed here so please decide accordingly."

Both Alberus stiffened at the man's words.


Alberu* eyes shook as he stared at Alberu and Cale alternatively. He could tell immediately which secret Cale was talking about because not only had he seen Mary casually interacting with Cale and others as well as her frequent mention in the viewing which was only slightly blurred to prevent discomfort until she herself decided to reveal her identity, but Alberu* had also seen the way Cale's eyes had glanced towards his neck where his necklace that helped disguise his identity hung.

'You are saying I will get found out? There's no way I can let this viewing go on then!'

Gritting his teeth tightly, Alberu* once again felt hot rage course through him at the unfairness of the situation. Having to hide such a big part of himself was difficult and tiring but he has held on for so many years. But there was one reason why he had continued with the facade for so long and was planning on keeping at it for the rest of his life.


Turning around, Alberu* came face to face with the woman who had raised him like a son when he had lost his mother and was abandoned by his father.

His aunt, Tasha*, without whom Alberu* would most probably be dead. She was the one who had fought with Obante* so that the Dark Elves could be mobilized and help Alberu* reach the throne.

Looking at her as she squeezed his shoulder with a concerned look on her face even though he knew that she would go with whatever decision he made, Alberu* nodded.

'I can't let my secrets be revealed. I am not the only one who would have to face the repercussions. I need to shield my people as much as I can.'

As he opened his mouth to ask the viewing to be suspended, another voice like his own calmly flowed from the other side of the room.

"Cale, do you think we should let the viewing continue?"


Alberu* couldn't understand what was going on. How could Alberu ask for Cale's opinion on such an important matter?

But at the same time, he felt his mind clear.

'I know myself. No matter what kind of situation it is, I know that I would not ask someone else to make a decision on this matter until and unless I trusted them completely.'

There was another thing.


Alberu hadn't asked Cale if it was a good choice for Alberu alone to reveal their secrets and continue with the viewing. He had asked if it was beneficial for 'them'.

Both the Alberus, Tashas and all the dark elves and Marys.


A slow smirk appeared in Cale's face at Alberu's question.

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