Chapter Three

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My breath gets caught in my throat. That...thing is from my dreams, not real life. He grabs my wrist tightly, making me wince in pain. Luckily I know how to get away. I grab the wrist of the arm he grabbed me with so that we we holding each other's wrists, used my other hand to grab his elbow, and in one swift movement, almost broke his arm. He lets go of my wrist and I run as fast as I can. I glance behind me and he's chasing me. I look around and see a tall tree, so I jump and grab the lowest branch. I swing, building up momentum, and right before he grabs my ankle, I'm able to swing up onto the branch.

He yells in frustration, and I stick my tongue out at him.
I scramble up the tree until he seems way smaller, and say "Phew, that was close!" Just to piss him off. He jumps up and grabs the first branch of the tree, and I start getting nervous. "You trying to get away from me, bitch?!" He yells at me. "Um, yeah, that's kinda the reason I climbed up here dumbass." I retort. I chuckle as the branch he was holding onto breaks and he falls to the ground. "I think your a little to heavy buddy!" I call to him, "maybe chasing me will help, you might burn a few calories!" I keep teasing him. I can tell it's pissing him off and I just laugh.

"I can tell your scared, brat!" He yells up at me, and I just look down at him, now completely expressionless. He just stops moving and studies me before yelling in frustration. "Are you a little mad, little puppy dog?"
I yell at him. He seems to grow even more enraged. "What the fuck did you call me, bitch!?" He yells back.
"Oh no! The little puppy dogs mad! Do you want a bone?"
I call out.

He then pulls a wolverine, almost, anyway. His fingers basically grow into huge paws, and he grows huge claws. He starts sawing at the trees base and I know it's gonna fall within seconds. "You can't beat me, dumbass!"
He yells at me. Just then the tree starts falling. "Ah shit....what now?" I mumble to myself as I start crashing down to the ground with the tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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