44 | spiritual love

4 1 0

Searching for unknown while dealing with,

'How? Why?' loop of many questions,

Revisiting, denying and

Identifying the necessary and

Meaningful options, creating

A personal path towards

Destiny/ Truth/ Shri Krishna,

Being an innocent child

Having that pure connect with

All the animals as friends,

Giving preference to the consciousness,

While scattering the beauty of kindness,

Accepting the hurdles as adventures,

Diving in available tips and tricks,

Giving it all to the world, be it good or bad,

Ending seems natural, does not scare anymore,

Emotions or intentions all are fixed towards

The highest aim,

Admiring the journey,

Making sweet memories,

Aware of all the known weaknesses still

Taking the steps towards being innocent child

Alone in peace, unnoticed, unaware, unnamed.

13.02.2023 (day 44)

A/N- This is my attempt for Prompt-7 (screenshot uploaded) of February Poetry Camp 2023 hosted by my dear friend most_bay

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