53 | puzzled

7 1 1

In the zeal of touching the horizon,

Unconsciously making plans,

Spending off the time coins,

Hurriedly passing entire life,

Exchanging energy with speed,

Only to be exhausted,

Standing empty handed,

Drained, damaged and still

On the exact distance from the horizon when the alluring madness started,

An ear piercing sound started

Buzzing from somewhere close,

Luckily it was just a dream and

Sound was coming from the alarm clock,

The Savior, saved me back from

The bitter taste of reality dose.

Was that really a dream?

Am I rescued or

Still being allured?

22.02.2023 (day 53)

Thought's Rideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें