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Over the next few days, I find the rhythm of Eden. Breakfast is at eight in the morning, then people go off to work in whatever job they have been given in the commune, since everything is shared and they are self-sufficient here. Lunch is on everyone's own, and dinner later in the evening, with a dedication to the weird god they worshiped here called Sleep.

I spend most of my days following around Annabelle when she goes into the fields to maintain the vast swaths of food grown in Eden. Even behind where the fruits and vegetables grow are rows and rows of flowers, brand new buds just blossoming from the warming spring air.

Annabelle had painstakingly took me under her wing, introducing me to everyone, giving me the names of those whom I met, and telling me where they were from, how long they had been in Eden, and what they did within the commune.

"There is Jacinda, she is from Spain, and she helps out in the kitchens. Serra also work's in the kitchen, she used to own a successful bakery in LA before she sold it and moved here."

"Oh, look, there is Joakim, he is from Sweden, and now he works with textiles and such. Eventually you will get some new clothes so you can shed your old life..."

"There is Mikayla, she is from New York, she works in the fields of Elation, but she used to be a teacher!"

And on, and on. It seemed like Annabelle knew just about every person in Eden, including Jonah, who came to Eden when I did. "Did you know he's from India? How cool is that?" she said one day when we were pulling weeds out from where tomatoes were growing.

Serra found Annabelle and I when we were walking back up from the gardens, and she waved us over to the rose garden near the Sanctum, where the Vessels resided in.

"Annabelle, Ellie, how was your day?" she asked, sitting on a rock, crossing her arms over her lap. Today, she wore long grey linen pants with a light pink tunic, and a knitted cream cardigan on top, but there was a dusting of flour still on her cheek from her working in the kitchens.

"Oh yeah," Annabelle immediately jumped in. "Ellie is a perfect fit with me in the gardens, I love spending time with her and telling her about all the family we have here in Eden with us, and she seems really interested in the gardens."

I looked down at my feet, digging my canvas shoes into the earth below me. I had been very interested, and I had told her as much today.

"Delightful. Ellie, would you mind that being your asset to Eden then?" Serra said. I lifted my head to look at her.

"I haven't decided if I'm staying or not," I said quietly. "I have a return flight home in a few days."

"I see," Serra said, smiling kindly at me. I turned to Annabelle, who was pouting at me, and I arched an eyebrow.

"You can't leave," Annabelle said, her bottom lip sticking out, like she was about to throw a tantrum. "Once you are here, you can never-"

"Anna," Serra interrupted. "She does have a choice to leave, if she chooses to. Sleep teaches that we must respect the free will of others, even if it isn't something we like."

Annabelle drops her face towards the ground. "I'm sorry," she mutters. "I just meant... I just mean that I like you, and I wish you will stay, and I hope you do."

I touch her arm, and smile gently. "I understand," I say, and I do. I have gotten very close to her, but still, the utter absurdity of abandoning my previous life to live in a commune does weigh heavily on me. "I will let you know before my flight."

Serra nods, then stands. "I do hope you decide to stay as well, Ellie. I think you are a perfect fit to our family."

We follow Serra out of the rose garden, and Annabelle and I cross through the courtyard to the other low group of buildings, and we part ways to get ready for dinner.

The End of EdenWhere stories live. Discover now