Chapter 26

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Song of the Chapter: If It Means A Lot to You by A Day To Remember

Stella's POV

I walk into the front doors of the prison determined to get answers. Answers that I have been waiting for since I left. Answers when I don't even know the questions. 

"Excuse me," I say sternly to the man at the front desk, "I need to see someone." 

"Visiting hours are going to be over in about 30 minutes ma'am." he replies, never looking away from his computer. 

"That's not what I asked. I need to see someone." I say through my clenched teeth. 

He sighs and opens a book, "Who are you here to see?" he says, aggravated. 

"Lucille Thomas." I say and wait for him to call an escort up. 

When the escort shows up, he places his hand lightly on my shoulders to guide me. I tense at his touch and let him lead me to where I need to be. I look over my shoulder to Nolan and he mouths "good luck" to me and then flexes his arm muscle to hint to me to be strong.

They wouldn't let Nolan back with me, only one visitor they said, so he is in the waiting room. 

He leads me down several short hallways with white cinder blocks as walls. Mental note: Never get sent to jail. 

After a few twists and turns, he opens two double doors and in this hallway, there is windows on both sides of me, and I can see men and women inside them. I look to my escort, "Why are they in these rooms?" 

"Minor crimes, such as shoplifting, hit and runs, things like that. They are just in here temporarily." he says and I nod my head. Then he opens two more doubles doors and there is a giant window with chairs on both sides and phones places on the walls next to each chair. 

I can feel my heart fluttering and my breathing becomes choppy. 

"You don't have anything to worry about, that glass is shatterproof, bulletproof, any kind of proof you can think of." He says, leading me to a chair. 

I nod my head and sit down, waiting for the She-Devil to appear on the other side of the glass before me. 

A police man walks her in and sets her in the chair and she looks at me and laughs. She picks up the phone and so do I. 

"Look what we have here. Little old Stella, running back instead of running away. Such a change of personality for you." she says with a smirk on her face. 

"Shut up Lucille. I'm not here to talk about me." 

"Because we have heard enough about you in the magazines and shit already."

I sigh, "Serioulsy. Stop Lucille. I want answers."

"Answers to what?" she leans in. 

"Why?" I ask. 

"Why what Stella?" she rolls her eyes, "You should really learn to finish your sentences dear." 

I ball up my other fist and clench the telephone tightly, "You know exactly what I mean."

"Why am I in here? Why did I become a foster mother? Why did you run away?" she lists. 

"I know the answers to all of those questions already. You are in here because you lit a fucking orphanage on fire-"

The security guard taps my shoulder, "Sorry officer, I'll watch my language." he nods. 

"You became a foster mother because you wanted money. And lastly, the reason why I ran away is basically self explanitory Besides, I didn't 'run away,' I was starting over.. Why don't we start this conversation with the subject of Beatrice Young."

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