Chapter 2

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Josh's POV

The way Stella acted when she met me was different. even Kate freaked out a little bit when she met me, but Stella didn't, and I liked that. I saw her pull Kate to the side and talk to her for a minute but then she looked pissed and started walking towards me and the guys.

"sup guys!" she said putting her arms up with i think her 3rd beer in hand.

"Hey, Stella! We were just talking about you!" Kevin said.

"yeah, tell us a little more about yourself!" said a guy standing next to me.

"well," she started, smiling as she spoke, "I live in New York, I am going to be 18 in 2 weeks," wow she is only 17? I never would have guessed. "I am a senior in highschool, and that is about it, oh and my name is Stella Foster." she finished and bowed.

I laughed, "I think you have had enough to drink, besides, you have to save some room in that tiny body for the after party!" I said and took the beer from her hands.

"yeah, you're probably right." She said. She was so little, and I don't think that a lot of alcohol was good for her.

It was almost time to go get our seats at the stadium so we all started to walk that way. I tried to stay close to Stella so I could sit next to her, but it didn't work very well becasue Kevin got in my way. He flirted up a storm with her but she didn't flirt back.. she seems like a tough shell to break. A challenge as you might say.

After the game was over, we all went to the Frat house for a party. We started with drinks and playing "Never have I ever"... I was the first to go.

"Never have i ever smoked pot" I say, Everyone, including me, took a drink.

"Never have I ever kissed a girl." Said Kate. everyone except Kate and Stella took a drink.

"Never have I ever been cheated on." says kevin. Stella and I both took a sip and made eye contact. A faint smile and sympathetic eyes sweeped across her face.

It was Stella's turn now. She spun what she had left in her cup around the edges. "never have I ever been in love" she says and raises and eyebrow. I have to think about this one, but when I do think about it, I don't think I have ever truely been in love with someone before. Everyone takes a sip except me and Stella. To break the tension, Kevin stands up and streches.

"Okay! Time for spin the bottle." he says.

"aww c'mon really?" everyone says in unison. That game is so overrated.

"kidding, kidding. sheesh guys. have some fun." he says. "Okay, beer pong it is. Stella, you're on my team." he says.

"I got Kate then" I say.

We stand on opposite sides of the table and I look at Stella who gives me a "Bring it on" look. I raise an eyebrow and toss the ball into the first cup and high five Kate. "Bring it on" I say to Kevin and Stella.

She squints her eyes and tosses the ball right in. "Oh, it's on." she says. We played that for a while and Stella beat all of our asses. Makes me wonder what she does all the time.

"so where did you get so good at that game?" I ask her

"Practice makes perfect." she winks and takes a swig of her drink.

Stella's POV

The party was fun, and I met some really cool people. I am pissed that I have to get up and leave in the morning, but only one train leaves tomorrow because its thanksgiving. and its at 10am.

"goodbye everyone!" I say as we leave the house and Josh comes up to me and gives me a hug followed by Kevin.

"Bye Stell. I hope to be seeing you sometime again" he says and then walks away with a smile.

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