Chapter 7 "Unmoving."

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i am NOT dead


Hua had drifting thoughts from time to time. How was she transported here? Would her old enemies come the same way? These questions plagued her mind relentlessly for the past week. She had faced against beings that could destroy mountains without so much as a glance. Ones that could change the very fabric of reality itself.

She herself knew she was capable enough to handle most, but the drifting thought of a monster stronger than her gave the paranoia she had been feeling. Shaking the thoughts from her head she continued to enjoy her afternoon lunch with her friends.

"Right. And what would Professor Oobleck say?" (Weiss)

Weiss responded, slicing the steak on her plate to little pieces, savoring the taste in her mouth.

"Um... Good job?" (Ruby)

Weiss sighed, covering for her friend all the time wasn't going to help Ruby in her academics at all. Ruby gave a nervous smile, she really was clueless in Ooblecks classes.

What can she say? He's as speedy as her in terms of teaching. She's sure even Hua couldn't keep up with Oobleck right?

"Look, Ruby. I can't always be there to help you with Ooblecks projects. You'll need to learn how to do them yourself!" (Weiss)

"B-But... I have you! So why not help your best friend?" (Ruby)

Weiss's face was filled with disappointment. From the time she accepted Ruby as her team leader was the time she accepted the Devil's deal. Sometimes she'd ask herself; Why me?

"No. Learn to do it yourself from time to time or I won't help you with the rest of your homework." (Weiss)

Ruby pouted, facing away from the annoyed Weiss. She was hoping her team mate would help her more! Maybe Blake would be a suitable replacement...

Shifting her focus from the Heiress, she turned to face Hua. She enjoyed her food in peace, the Herrscher wasn't much of a social butterfly but she was fine with normal conversations. Looking closely her best friend really was a sight to behold. Long blueish hair with hints of purple in it, her ocean blue eyes were mesmerizing, pale yet soft skin. Although lacking in the chest department, pretty much every part of her was beautiful, that Ruby had to agree.

Hua, noticing Ruby's longing stare at her figure from top to bottom weirded her out, was she okay..?

Waving her hand in front of Ruby, her eyes seemed to respond finally after a few seconds. Noticing she had been staring for too long, her cheeks became flushed. Jeez. She'd really need to stop staring at people for too long...

"Soo... Watcha looking at Ruby? Like what you see?" (Yang)

Yang's eyes curled upwards into a teasing manner, she knew her sister had the hots for someone but she never expected the resident beauty. She really did have a taste didn't she?

"Y-You got it all wrong Yang! Don't be weird!" (Ruby)

Ruby accused her sister, Yang in return held both her arms up in a defensive manner, shaking her head. The redhead really hated her sister for her teasing nature.

Blake looked up from her book, seeing the step-siblings fight with each other yet again. Why can't she have peace and quiet for once? At least Hua knew how to read the atmosphere, trying to calm down the redhead while the blonde kept teasing her little sister.

Sighing she tried to tune out the loudness, but alas with her cat ears it made it nigh impossible to tune out such noises from a close distance. She was after all born with enhanced hearing, now she really regretted being born with it now.

Pyrrha watched a table away as her mentor tried to calm down the siblings, for such a calm person she really had a lot of patience in them. Looking at the rest of her team, Nora as usual was pestering Ren about all sorts of adventure stories while her Team leader, Jaune was busy on his scroll.

She felt a close and strong connection with her mentor when they kept sparing over the months, she enjoyed her company and her teachings. She wasn't too strict, although the side effects of sparing with Hua was that she could be carried away a bit with her fights. Something she'd be in a constant reminder of when she sparred with her.

She'd consider Hua as a close friend, she didn't mind her being a world champion or a star, she just appreciated who she is on the inside, something she was grateful for. Having had enough fans in school, she'd much rather not have an extra crazed fan for all her kindness.

But her mentor has been seeing the Headmaster on a regular basis every day, something she couldn't get her head out of. Was she related to the Headmaster? A nephew perhaps? Or maybe something else? She could only guess. She picked up a habit of reading people's faces, something she learned to grow up with being a superstar, it was easier to tell people apart this way.

Hua acted much differently than what she'd look like, she was mature. Responsible. She had an aura of a leader. Even with the constant sparring and meetings with each other, she never really knew who her Mentor was on a personal level. Weiss on the other hand had been avoiding Hua with every chance she got, she seemed to not mind her Mentor but she felt uncomfortable. Perhaps she should confront her about this. She doesn't want to see friends avoiding each other, it's not healthy!

Looking down she saw her plate picked clean, glancing to the side she saw Nora with a stuffed mouth. A small but noticeable frown plastered on her lips, Nora in turn gave a wide grin. Shaking her head she got up and picked up her plate, turning towards the designated area for dirty dishes she placed the plate into the bin. She was so out of thought because of her mentor she entirely forgot about her food!

Walking by Team RWBY's table she stopped behind Weiss, tapping her shoulder while calling out to her quietly,

"Um.  Excuse me, Weiss?" (Pyrrha)

Pyrrha quietly called out to the Heiress, careful not to avoid the rest of the team. Weiss turned to face the Amazonian in surprise.

"Oh! Pyrrha, do you need something?" (Weiss) 

"Well, not really. But could you follow me out of the cafeteria for a few minutes? I need to talk to you about something." (Pyrrha)

"Sure? I'll be out soon, I'm nearly done with my food. You can wait by the door outside the cafeteria." (Weiss)

Nodding she turned to walk out of the cafeteria, she needed answers. It'd be best if she didn't approach Hua personally about it. She probably had a bad past and didn't want to talk about it. She thought the Heiress might have an idea about it since Hua had been spending a lot of time with RWBY recently.

Waiting by the wall, she patiently waited for the Heiress to come out. After a few minutes, she recognized her trademark hair, calling out to her Weiss approached the Amazonian.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" (Weiss)

Shifting in her place, she was still nervous. But this is the only way she could learn more about her best friend and mentor.

"I've... been recently watching how you've avoided Hua. What happened?" (Pyrrha)

Weiss didn't know how to respond. Should she tell her the truth? About the Goddess walking among them? She searched for a way out but it seemed inevitable that people would ask about Hua sooner or later.

"I-It's nothing. We just had a disagreement that's all." (Weiss)

Even if the apparent Goddess was from another world and had several millennia to live, even she, a renowned protege of her family, couldn't figure out why the Goddess would choose to live in such a world teeming with beasts. Even more so deciding to enroll in a Combat School.

"I... see. Are you sure it's just a disagreement? You've avoided all sorts of contact with her for the past months. Is this perhaps a lovers quarrel?" (Pyrrha)

Pyrrha could only guess but this was her most probable answer. Weiss on the other hand blushed furiously. Lovers quarrel?! Even she, Pyrrha, a world renown Champion, could not believe she'd come to such a conclusion. She turned to face the other way, trying to hide her flushed face.

"N-No! Why would you ever think of such a thing?" (Weiss)

Pyrrha, quickly realizing her mistake of coming to such a ridiculous reason, tried to apologize.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry for assuming such a thing! It wasn't my intention to!" (Pyrrha)

The Heiress, knowing Pyrrha didn't mean such a thing with all she'd done for Weiss and other people, she'd been nothing but kind and helpful. She dismissed it and decided to leave such a topic.

"It's fine, but why the sudden question?" (Weiss)

Weiss knew Pyrrha wasn't doing this for fun or as a joke, she genuinely cared for her friends and she regarded only a few as such. Being able to talk with the Undefeatable Champion was already a privilege, she was lucky enough to be called a friend by her.

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