Chapter 10 'Unstable.'

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The sun rose with its glowing yellow streaks, grazing the Herrscher's eyes as she slowly woke up to the rising sunlight, it was a nice wake up call for her especially in the morning.

Hua began her morning with light exercises and her usual workout routine, it was a chilly Saturday but she enjoyed the cold breeze that swept her skin, gracing it with the ever coldness of the morning. She was careful as to not wake up the rest of her friends, taking light steps whenever she was close to them.

She looked at herself in the mirror, she was definitely fit. Admiring herself for a while she took a shower and changed into fresh clothing. Today she was going to follow Team CMEN around and start her investigation alone, she had the files, information and previous known skillset of said team by none other than the Headmaster himself.

The hallways of Beacon were empty, with everyone else either asleep or have gone out, today was the week before the Vytal festival and she needed to investigate quickly. The timing was unfortunate but it couldn't be any better, this time said team was not in their dorm room and was reported last seen in Vale for the whole night during curfew. 

She started her investigation when she touchdown on Vale proper, thanking the pilot for the early airlift. Last seen was in Junior's Nightclub, and infamous ground for criminals and drunkards alike, this would be the best place to start her investigation but she knew she needed to be cautious.

The headmaster had provided her with a good amount of funds in case of needed bribery or tips. She walked into the nightclub almost empty with only the Janitors and a few bouncers around. Looking around she saw a bar by the dance floor, spotting a man which she recognized as the owner himself and two other women beside him. Noting down the two's appearance, she walked down to the bar and sat on the stool.

The bearded man, busy wiping wine glasses, glanced over at the unknown customer in front of him. 

"We're closed for the day, if you want to go clubbing do it somewhere else at night." (Junior)

He continued cleaning the used glasses and ignored Hua expecting her to leave right after.

"Junior...correct?" (Hua)

"What's it to you?" (Junior)

He didn't spare a glance at Hua yet and she decided to stay patient and let things go smoothly rather than unnecessary violence. 

"I'm...looking for a group of people, perhaps you've seen them?" (Hua) 

She slid the picture of Team CMEN with all their faces, Junior stopped cleaning his glass and took a look at the picture before setting it down.

"Never seen them or heard of them. Now get lost." (Junior)

He was a tough man to crack, but she heard he could be persuaded with the right amount of money. And that was her strong suit, negotiating. She pulled out a stack of lien and slowly pushed it towards the man, all 100 bills.

"Perhaps this would suffice for information?" (Hua)

His eyes widen a little at the amount of money in front of him before pulling it towards him, counting the bills. Satisfied, he paid full attention towards the Herrscher.

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