chapter 1

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Author's pov

Love had moved to the new neighborhood few days ago and she was excited for her first day at school since she hadn't had any good experiences at her previous one,she wasn't bullied or anything at her previous school it's just as an introvert she didn't have many friends, which she hoped could change this time since she only had two last years of schooling left.

Love got up early in the morning for her new school life, as the only child she was adored by parents so she was glad that she at least had them as her friend she went down stairs and bid goodbye to her parents and started walking towards her new school.

As she entered through she school gate she saw a volleyball coming towards her she was like pretty scared obviously, she closed her eyes and waited for the pain to hit her but it didn't.

As soon as she opened her eyes she saw a taller girl who had long straight hair in front of her. Love had figured out that this girl was the one who had stopped the ball from hitting her. love bowed and said "thank you" in a quiet manner, that tall girl who had just saved her patted her lightly and said "be careful next time okay? You're supposed to move when you see something that's gonna hit you kiddo" the tall girl who had to bend down to talk to her smiled at her, that when love realised how pretty her smile was.

"Hoiiii milkkk" someone called from behind, the tall girl looked behind and said "coming" the tall girl who's name was probably milk since someone called her that now turned to love and said "I've to go now see ya soon!" She waved and ran to the girl who had just called her.

Love stared at her in awe at how pretty and kind she seemed this school year couldn't be bad right? Since the students seem pretty cute

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