chapter 2

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Author's pov

Love went into her classroom and sat on the empty chair beside window cause she's the main character,gotta sit beside window. As she was taking her notebooks and stuff outta her bag a girl came up to her and said "I wanted to sit beside window:(",love looked up to the girl,she was pretty and tall as well, love apologised and stood up but the girl stopped her and said "it's no problem you can sit here, I'll just sit beside you, you're new here right? My name is film btw! Nice to meet yaa~" love greeted back and told her name and stuff and they started chatting about random stuff.

Another girl entered classroom, she was wearing glasses and had a loose ponytail, she wasn't wearing any makeup but stood out from others that's how pretty she was anyways film waved her had towards that girl "viewwww~~~~" love was like oh her name's view, view came up to them and sat beside them.

View looked at love and turned to film asked who? Then Film introduced them to eachother since they both were introverts. Love got to find out that view is dating one of their seniors, who's close friends with Film's sister. She was relieved to find out that none of them were homophobic since love herself was pansexual, which was one of the reasons she felt nervous about making friends but since these two are okay with it she felt safe.

Anyways the class started and the day went by fine,love now had two pretty besties or wtv. They exchanged line IDs and stuff and made a gc together.
Love was happy to finally have found some friends who vibed with her and seemed decent and nice.

Love went home in a happy mood but one she was curious about was that pretty senior who had helped her earlier this morning. She was thinking about the senior whose name is probably 'milk' while entering the house, she wasn't looking around and was bumped into her mother who then slightly scolded her but she apologised and went back to her room being all shy and stuff.

She couldn't wait to go to school, and this was like the first time ever in life where she was actually willing to go to school herself and not coz of academic pressures. Seemed like a good start for her new school life

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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