Chapter 1 - New Student..?

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Hitohito Tadano Pov

Today's a day like any other: the sun is shining, everyone is talking loudly, and the teacher still isn't here. At least it's like any other until they walk into the room. All eyes are turned on them, the room suddenly silent. With all those eyes boring into them, anticipating their next move, it's surprising that they don't seem bothered in the least, just tired. They notice me and Komi sitting together, and almost immediately, their face brightens. At first, I think they're going to sit next to Komi, but instead, they take a seat in front of us both. They grin, their (h/l) (h/c) hair shining in the light. Their eyes almost seem to be gleaming, even though they're faced away from the light.

"Hey. I'm (y/n) (l/n), what's your name?"

At first I think they're talking to Komi, but (y/n) seems to be talking to me, their head tilted slightly with an expectant look on their face.

"Oh.. you're talking to me?" They nod. "I'm Hitohito Tadano, and this is Shoko Komi." They give another grin, nodding at both of us. "Nice. You can call me (n/n). I'm new here, but I guess that was pretty obvious, with everyone staring at me and all.." They give a quick glance at the rest of the class, their grin slightly fading. Then they look back at us. "Why are they all staring?.. Did I do something?" Their expression turns to that of confusion. "Oh no, it's fine! You didn't do anything at all!" Their expression turns to relief. "That's good... Hey, do you want to be friends?"

Shoko Komi Pov

"That's good... Hey, do you want to be friends?" says (y/n). They seem eager to make friends, unsurprisingly. I look to Tadano to see his response before I give my own. "Yeah, that'd be great!" He smiles. "Okay.. how 'bout you, Komi?" (y/n) turns their attention to me calmly. "Don't worry, you don't have to answer right away," they say, giving me a patient smile. It's nice that they're not rushing me. I pull out my notebook and write my response "You will? Great!" (Y/n) looks happier than earlier, when they walked into the classroom at the start of the day. "Guess we'll talk more during break then," they say, just as the bell rings and the teacher walks in.

"Class, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." The teacher looks at (y/n) expectantly, so they stand up. "Nice to meet y'all, name's (y/n). Hope to be friends," they say with a lazy grin. And with that, the teacher begins teaching.

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