Chapter 9 (sleepover part 1)

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* the weekend *

I was on a Facetime call with Chandler and Chloe as Chloe was cooking food for her little siblings and chandler was reading his script.

"Hey who's parents aren't gonna be home this weekend?" Chloe asked flipping around the bacon in her pan

"Why?" I asked

"Because we should all have a sleepover together" she turned around and yelled at her little brother for running around with a knife "PUT IT BACK DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS CAMERON! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!" He gave her the knife as she slammed it down on the counter "sorry about that... oh my god and he made me burn this piece of bacon.. this is gonna be his piece"

"Um my parents should be out all weekend" chandler said

"Oh my god chandler you have parents?" Chloe asked being an asshole as chandler faked laughed and Chloe shrugged her shoulders "I never knew"

"Yeah my dads leaving in an hour or two to go bring my brother Grayson to Brooklyn New York and my moms not even in Atlanta right now, My dad told me to not tell her he's leaving so yeah"

"Well you know chan chan chandie poo pookie bear since we've been best pookies for a while now you should let us spend the weekend at your house" Chloe said

"Yeah that's fine but James and Aiden are coming over too" he said spinning in his chair

"Speaking of Aiden Chloe likes him" I said making kissy faces

"Oh wow okay let's not act like your literally not in love with chandler" she said flipping the French toast over, I stretched and yawned on purpose.

"Sorry what was that?" I asked playing dumb

her brother Cameron threw a volley ball at the back of her legs "CAMERON IM GONNA RIP YOUR FACE OFF GO SIT DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! BREAKFAST IS ALMOST READY" she said pulling the orange juice out of the refrigerator.

Someone then knocked on chandlers door, "yeah what's up" he asked turning toward his dad

"I'm leaving right now with Grayson"

"Alright um is it okay if a couple friends come over?" Chandler asked

"Who?" His dad asked curious

"Olivia... Chloe"

"Girls?! And isn't Olivia that one girl you got suspended for because you beat up that one dude"


"Who else" his dad sighed

"James and Aiden" chandler said scratching the back of his head

"It's alright with me dude just don't tell your mother she'll throw a fit," his dad raised his eyebrows

"I won't" chandler said spinning in his chair once again.

"Alright bye chandler I'm heading out now"

"Bye dad" chandler said looking back at us "yeah its alright guys you can come over"


Her brother threw a pillow at her "shut up!" Chloe turned around baffled

"CAMERON IM GONNA HAVE CASS BEAT YOU UP" Chloe said talking about her little sister Cassie

"Chloe what should I bring?" I asked

"Condoms" she said laughing

Chandlers eyes widened and so did mine "I don't think we'll be needing those.." I said

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