Chapter 13

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I woke up late in the morning with a quiet sound of birds chirping from my slightly opened window with my curtains being blown around and blinding sunlight. The sunlight was so blinding but the breeze was calming. Chandler was laying on my stomach and I was kind of oblivious for the moment but I then realized we have school today, I got super worried knowing we were going to be ridiculously late.

"Chandler!" I yelled shaking him

"What's wrong princess?" he groaned gripping my shirt looking up at me with squinted eyes,

"We have school today!" I hollered starting to get tense knowing my mother got the call that I was absent for homeroom.

"Oh shit!" He shot up grabbing his shirt and putting it back on as I got up and looked at the digital clock "oh my god," i chuckled "its 9:15!"

I grabbed some clothes from my dresser as I started running into the bathroom slamming the door shut in a hurry.

I put on a light pink cropped sweater and a short light pink tight skirt with my fuzzy light pink heels, I straightened my hair and threw curls in it quickly and threw on really light makeup and put in my piercings grabbing my bag and walking out of the bathroom.

"There's my girl" chandler smiled grabbing his keys off the nightstand raising his eyebrows

"Oh shut up Riggs," I replied smirking "come on let's go" I grabbed his hand and left my bedroom going downstairs grabbing fruit snacks and rushing to his car.

We got in as he pulled out the driveway in a hurry, "Woah slow down chan" I said as my body slammed against the seat while I giggled

"Sorry" he laughed in return


Me and chandler walked into 2nd period and scanned the room, everyone looked miserable people were tapping the desk and resting their head in their hands while some kids just had their heads down.

"Okay. What's 5x + 5x?? Nobody?! This is review from middle school!! I tell you guys to be quiet and stop talking and now you guys have gone completely silent not answering anything?! this is your grade!" She yelled

"But didn't you ask for silence?" The blonde asshole with freckles asked

"Yeah I also asked for no back talk Dylan you can get out of my classroom with all of the disrespect- chandler and Olivia."

We walked into her classroom fully out of the doorway halfway threw the period handing Miss. Nelson our passes as she tapped her foot on the floor raising one of her eyebrows.

"You guys showed up halfway threw second period! really?! Is there something going on?? I can't keep having this happen! Olivia you're late almost everyday and you both show up halfway threw second period. If this continues I will have to contact both of your parents because this is completely and utterly ridiculous do you understand me?!" Miss Nelson asked raising her voice at us both while her hot nasty coffee breath hit my face and probably even chandlers.

"Yes ma'am" chandler replied walking over to his seat as Chloe teased him doing kissy faces

I didn't say anything. I stared at her directly in her eyes thinking she was simply being sort of a bitch. it wasn't really any of her goddamn business about what consumes my time or chandlers, I get that there's a schedule for a reason but things happen and people aren't always gonna be on time for her silly math problem bullshit.

"Olivia do you got that?!" She snapped at me

"Yeah geez" I rolled my eyes and started walking to my seat sitting down to face the board looking down at my hands

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