Chapter 3

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Somehow, I find my next couple of classes easily. Then I make my way to the commons for lunch. This is always the worst part of starting a new school. I hate it when people watch me. I despise being the center of attention. And don't even get me started on trying to find somewhere to sit. I don't know if any of the other girls have lunch at the same time I do.

I walk through the lunch line and grab some fruit and a salad. My stomach is in knots, and I don't think I'll even be able to eat it. I punch in my pin at the end of the line. I hope no one notices that I don't have to pay for my food. Foster kids automatically qualify for free lunches. I turn to try and find a place to sit and hear, "Benson! Over here!" I look over and see Vin Daniels waving his arms in the air trying to get my attention. Oh my God. How embarrassing. So much for not calling attention to myself.

I start walking his direction when I notice Bailey and Abby sitting at the table next to Vin. I quickly go sit down next to Bailey.

"What are you doing?" she asks me. She has a horrified look on her face.

I frown at her and reply, "What do you mean? Do you not want me to sit with you?"

"Not when Vin the Hottie is making a fool of himself trying to get you to sit with him!" she says. "Why aren't you over there?"

"I'm not interested," I insist. "He seems nice and all, but I really don't want or need a boyfriend right now."

"You're crazy," she tells me. "I would die if just one of those boys said hi to me."

I look up and see who she means by "those boys." I watch as Vin, Myles, and another freaking hot guy gets up and starts walking toward our table. Boys are obviously made different around here.

"Benson, didn't you hear me yelling for you?" Vin asks me.

"Dude, I'm pretty sure the whole cafeteria heard you," Myles says to him.

"Hi guys. Do you know my friends, Bailey and Abby?" I ask them to try and take some of the attention off of me.

"Ladies, nice to meet you," the other guy with them says. "I'm Chase, and these boneheads are Vin and Myles."

"Yeah, we know. I think every person in this school knows who you three are," Abby replies, blushing.

"Do you mind if we sit with you?" Myles asks us.

Bailey, taking a drink of her water, starts choking and coughing. Abby begins beating her on the back and lifting her arms in the air. I start laughing at them.

"Uh, are you guys okay?" Chase says, watching the spectacle Abby and Bailey are making.

"They're fine. Yes, you can sit with us," I say.

Bailey has finally stopped coughing and whispers, "Oh my God. So embarrassing." Her face is bright red.

I sit awkwardly, not really knowing what to say to them. I've never been interested in talking to guys, and definitely no guy has ever been interested in talking to me. I prefer to keep my head down and get my work done. I've never had any close friends. There isn't much point in making friends when nobody sticks around for long.

Chase is sitting across from me, staring. He's a ginger, which isn't a trait I would normally find attractive on a guy, but it definitely suits him. He has ocean blue eyes framed by long, dark brown lashes. He is gorgeous. It makes me wonder why they're even talking to me. I'm nothing special. I don't get it.

Chase waves a hand in front of my face. Oops. He was talking to me, and I wasn't paying attention. "Sorry, did you say something?" I ask him.

"I was asking how your first day has been so far," he says, smiling smugly.

"Oh, it's been okay. I have Algebra II first hour. Not a great way to start the day," I reply, sheepishly. "But second hour study hall takes the sting out of it a little."

"Ouch. I hate math," Chase says. "What did you have third period?"

"I haven't chosen my elective yet, so I sat in on an art class."

"Can you draw?" he asks me.

"Sure, if you consider stick people drawing," I tell him.

He laughs at me. "Why did you sit in on an art class, then?"

I laugh back. "Art isn't just drawing and painting, you know. I like working with clay. Sculptures and pottery."

"Okay, you got me. I don't know anything about art," he says. "What do you have after lunch?"

"AP Lit then Chemistry," I tell him.

"I have AP Lit next too. We should sit next to each other. Ms. Miller likes to pair everyone up for assignments. I want a smart partner," he says with a smirk.

"How do you know I'm smart?" I ask him.

"I can just tell," he replies.

I blush at this statement. We sit there awkwardly for a few moments, then Myles scoots over toward Chase.

"Don't hog Hannah Benson. We want to talk to her too," he tells Chase. To me he says, "Hi Hannah Benson, long time no see. Did you find your classes okay?"

"Yep. No problems," I say.

"Please tell me you have Chemistry with Mr. Walker fifth period," he begs.

"I have Chemistry with Mr. Walker fifth period," I say laughing.

"Yes!" he says, pumping his fist in the air. He's about to say something else when the bell rings, ending our lunch.

I get up and throw my lunch, that I didn't eat a bite of, in the trash. I make my way to my next class. I walk in the door and notice there are no desks in here. There are a couple of couches, some giant beanbag chairs, and a few large exercise balls. Very strange. I've never seen a classroom like this before. Chase walks in behind me, quickly makes his way to a bean bag chair, and plops down. He pats the empty area next to him in the chair like he wants to share it with me. Yeah, that's not happening. I walk over to him and sit on the floor next to his chair.

He looks down at me, pouting. "Afraid to sit with me?" he asks. "I don't have cooties or anything."

"I'm good on the floor," I tell him. There's no way in hell I'm cozying up next to his sexy-as-sin ass in that chair.

A few other students walk in and make themselves comfortable. The bell rings and the teacher still isn't here. The other students are chattering quietly with their friends. I count six other kids in the class.

A couple of minutes later a woman, wearing all purple with her blonde hair pulled up into a loose bun, walks in. "I'm Ms. Miller. Not miss, not missus, miz," she tells us. "This class is AP Literature," she says, passing out a syllabus. I look it over as she continues speaking. "You are all expected to contribute in class every day and be independent learners. This is an AP class, so I am assuming you are all capable and motivated students who are here to learn. In the syllabus you will see a reading list. You may read these books in any order you wish. After finishing each piece, you and your partner will work together to write a four-page essay interpreting the ideas and themes found in it. Each pair of students will also complete a Senior Project, which is a graduation requirement and will make up fifty percent of your grade. Any questions so far?" she asks.

We all shake our heads no.

"Wonderful," she says. "Choose your partners. And be sure to choose wisely because they will be your partner for the entire year, and I won't allow you to switch."

Chase looks down at me and smiles.

Well shit. This class could make my life very interesting.

Hannah (The Girls of Mulberry Manor)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu