Chapter 6

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On the way to school Kodi and I share a seat on the bus. She doesn't speak a word the whole ride, but I still think it's progress. When we walk into school and down the hall, Vin is waiting for me by my locker.

"What's up, Benson?" he says, smiling. "Did you get the Algebra assignment done?"

I nod my head yes.

"Is it okay if I walk you to class?" he asks.

"Sure," I tell him.

As we're walking, he inches closer and closer to me. I try to keep some distance between us, but the halls are pretty crowded, so it's difficult. God, he smells so good. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to where I was walking because someone hits me in the shoulder, and my books go flying. I would have landed on my butt if Vin hadn't caught me.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," I start to say.

"Watch where you're going new girl," I hear a high-pitched voice say.

"Quit being a bitch, Kayla," Vin says just loud enough for her to hear.

"What?" Kayla says, trying to look innocent. "She ran into me. She needs to watch out or she could get herself into trouble here."

"Sorry," I say again quickly.

I start picking up my books when I hear her say, "Tell Chase I had fun last weekend. Can't wait to do it again." Then she tosses her bleach blond hair over her shoulder, turns around, and starts walking in the opposite direction.

Vin bends down to help me pick up my stuff. "Ignore her. She's had a lady boner for Chase for years," he tells me. "He doesn't like her like that."

"That's really none of my business," I tell him. "Chase is just a friend. I don't care if he likes someone." Yep. I'll keep telling myself that.

I take the same desk as yesterday and Vin sits beside me again. We make it through class without any interruptions this time. Although, I don't remember much of what Mr. Clark was trying to teach us. I was too busy watching Vin, while making sure Vin couldn't tell I was watching him. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't want a boyfriend. I just have to keep telling myself this. Thank God I have study hall next. I need a break from these boys or I'm going to go crazy.

After a peaceful study hall, I walk into the art room and notice Kodi painting on a canvas in the corner of the room. I walk up behind her and stop in my tracks.

"Wow, Kodi, you are super talented. This painting is amazing," I tell her. It's a watercolor beach scene. The painting is very detailed, and the colors are so vibrant.

Kodi looks over at me and blushes. "Oh, I'm just playing around," she tells me quietly.

"No way," I tell her. "It's captivating. I can't look away."

"Thank you," she says.

"Have you thought about art school?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "No. I don't think college is in my future," she tells me.

"Well, I think you should reconsider. Talent like this shouldn't go to waste," I tell her.

She shakes her head and continues to work on her piece.

At lunch I sit by Bailey and Abby again. I'm not surprised when the guys come sit with us. I sit quietly and eat while they talk about a party that's happening this weekend. Chase scoots closer to me.

"Are you going to the party?" he asks me.

"I wasn't planning on it," I tell him.

"You should come. It might be fun," he says.

"Parties really aren't my thing," I reply.

"How many parties have you been to?" he asks.

"None," I whisper back.

"Really?" he asks. "If you've never been to a party, how do you know they aren't your thing?"

"I don't drink and I'm not very comfortable around a bunch of people who are," I say.

"I don't drink much either. I might have one or two, but I've never gotten drunk," he says. "You could come with me. I can make sure no one messes with you."

"Wouldn't your girlfriend be mad if I showed up at a party with you?" I ask, blushing.

"Wait, what? I don't have a girlfriend. Who told you I have a girlfriend?" He looks confused.

"I met Kayla this morning. She implied that you two were together," I tell him.

"Kayla?" He looks even more confused now.

"She said to tell you she had fun last weekend and that she can't wait to do it again," I say, looking down at my tray. I don't know why I'm even telling him this. I'm not interested and I'm definitely not jealous. I think.

"The only thing I did with Kayla last weekend was help her with an essay she's writing for school," he tells me. "And I'm pretty sure that won't be happening again. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard," he says with a grimace.

"Oh." I don't know what to say to that. It would almost be easier for me if he did like Kayla.

"So, what do you say? Do you want to go to the party with me?" he asks again.

"Um. I'm not sure," I tell him. "I guess it would be nice to go with a friend."

The smile on his face dips a little, but he seems to shake it off. "Awesome! I'll pick you up at 8 on Friday."

"Okay," I tell him. "But I have to make sure it's okay first."

"Here, I'll give you my number and you can text or call me," he says, writing it on a piece of paper.

"Sounds good," I say.

The bell rings so I make my way to my locker to grab my stuff for AP Lit. As I get closer, I notice people staring at me. That's weird. I do not like this attention on me at all. What are they staring at? I get to my locker and see there's something written on it. OH MY GOD! Someone has written the word SLUT in red marker all over my locker!

I don't know what to do. I feel hot all over and I'm sure my face is completely red. Who would do something like this? Chase wraps his arm around my shoulder. I forgot he was walking with me. He looks pissed.

"Come on," he says. "Let's go to the office and find someone to clean this up."

"Who would do something like that?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "I have no idea, but we're going to find out."

Hannah (The Girls of Mulberry Manor)Where stories live. Discover now