7~ Answers, fights and happyness

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I grab my phone from the bag I was carrying, dile in Phil's number. Waiting for him to answer I hear Dan banning the door behind me,
"OPEN UP Y/N!" He yells, oh crap I've made him mad now.. Phil picks up, finely,
"Y/N? What's wrong? Dan just texted me saying you had a break down?" Phil asks worriedly. I sigh,
"Yeah it- it's just that I - he kissed me a-and I have a boyfriend back home.." I say nervelessly into the microphone, I hear Phil's gasp.
"Dan, he- k-kissed you?" He seems nervous.
"Ok I'm coming home, call Joey and ask him if you can stay at his place for a while. I need to talk to Dan- oh and I have someone with me that I think you'll like." Phil explains, I let out a sigh of relief.
"Ok, I- I will and thanks." He hangs up, I then smile to myself.
"Thank god, I have a great brother like him." I then go scrolling through my contacts looking for Joey's, I find it and start to call him. He finally picks up.
"Hey (nickname) what's up?" He asks, I sigh.
"Dan kissed me an-" I hear a scream.
"Dan- kissed- you?!" He asks with shock in his voice.
"Hold on, I'm putting you on speaker, Shane is with me as well" He continues.
"Hey," I say to the two boys, Shane just says 'Hi' I explain what happened and asked Joey if I could come stay over there for a few nights, he say yes and ask when I was coming over.. That I did not know. I hear The flat door slam open and heavy foot steps running to the bathroom. I stand up and smooth out my jumper looking at my reflection in the mirror, my beautiful green eyes blood shot after crying. A knock at the door unlocks me out of my trance.
"Y/n, it's me, Phil." He says calmly though the door. I smile and open the door slightly to see him and a girl just a little taller then me,
"Oh my goodness! She even, more prettier than you said!" The girl I- I recognised her but from where?
"Hey Phil, hey- uh.." I smile a fake smile at my brother and the girl.
"Oh I'm Abbey, Abbey Hanson." She smiles, she has oak brown eyes and caramel shoulder length hair and she's wearing a light blue crop top with blue jeans and black converse shoes.
"Abbey? ABBEY!" I scream (sorry if your name is abbey, just put you best friends name instead) she smiles and hugs me, I hug back. She seems so different from when I last saw her.
"Okay Y/n I need to know, who's this 'boyfriend' you had back home?" Phil asks, Abbey smiling like a maniac.
"Y/n is it?- no-" I nod to her, "It is." She screams and tackles me to the ground.
"MY BEST FRIEND IS IN RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CUTEST GUY IN SCHOOL!" I feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I look to the ground.
"Y/n? What's the boy's name?" Phil asks and tilts his head a little.
"His name is Noah." (A/N: I'm referring him off Girl Online, you haven't read it, read it it's good!)
"Noah? Okay how long have you two been in a relationship?" Phil asks,
"Almost a year." I sigh to him. Abbey squeals again,
"Yay!" She claps her hands.
~time skip~
I'm on a Skype call with my friends Marisa, Joey, Chris and P.J.
"Y/n! I got plane tickets to London!" She says excitedly, I chuckle along with the guys.
"I'll get Phil to drive me there so we can pick you up." I smile at her, I honestly can't believe that my best friend is coming to London.. To visit me- ME!
"So when you coming to visit me in L.A?" Joey asks me, I giggle,
"Soon, Dan and I had a fight so Phil wants me to get away from him" I explain. They all nod. Then Abbey bursts through the door.
"Y/n Phil's waiting for you in the car." She sang. I say my goodbyes to my friends and to Joey.
"See you in L.A.."
A/N: OMFG?!?! Guys I got 1k reads! I'm so happy, I'm like almost crying! I absolutely love all the support that you guys give me and I don't know how to thank you guys! Everyone of you are amazing! And don't forget it!
Love you guys! Bye! 💖😘👊🏽

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