10) All My Fault

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Takemichi couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his middle school best friend, Akkun, tried to kill him multiple times. At least not at first.  Then he realized Kisaki was behind all of this.  He killed Hina.  Now he wants Akkun to kill him.  After a couple times of time leaping, he finally put two and two together.  Now, Takemichi wasn’t that smart.  He still didn't know exactly what his connection with Kisaki was.  He thought that maybe he was jealous that he dated Hina once.  But that’s just a theory.  He couldn't find anything that would confirm this.  Oh well.  

None of that matters anymore.  He will do what he needs to do.


“I’m sorry Akkun.” Takemichi bowed his head deeply.  Then, he stood straight.  His eyes were soft and held so much sincerity that it made Akkun want to cry.  “I should’ve let you kill me before.”

The redhead’s eyes widened.  

Takemichi continued.  “I didn’t know Kisaki was hurting you and your family because of me.”

Takemichi gave him a close-eyed smile.  “How about we go inside?”

The blonde led his friend into his own luxurious hostess bar.  The first time Takemichi was here, Akkun jumped off the roof.  He doesn’t want Akkun to hurt anymore.  He has his own family to take care of.  Hina is already dead.  Takemichi, with a heavy heart, decided to help those who are living in the present rather than the dead in the past.

They both sat in a private booth at the bar.  Akkun gestured for the waiter to serve them with two glasses of cocktail.

“What did you want to talk about?” Akkun started.

Takemichi pulled a small bottle from his pocket.  He handed it to Akkun.  He examined the object. 

“What’s this?”

He gave Akkun a small smile.  “Poison.”


“You would be safe if you killed me right?”


“You have a family to think of.” Takemichi took Akkun’s hand into his own.  He caressed his softly hoping to sooth his friend’s worry.  “This is okay.  Kisaki wants me dead.”

“How did you—”

“That’s why this is okay.  As long as you’re safe.  You and your family. This is okay.”

“Why give it to me?”

“I want you to put that in my drink.  Kisaki is always watching, isn’t he?”

Akkun stammered, trying to reason with his friend.

“You’ll be fine, Akkun.” Takemichi smiled softly.  “I’ll be okay.”

Akkun stared at the bottle for a moment.  He poured the contents into Takemichi’s drink.  He could only watch the spiked cocktail Takemichi picked up and drank all of it in one shot.

Takemichi stood up and pulled Akkun to his feet as well.  He gave his old friend a big hug.  “Live a good life okay, Akkun?”

The redhead sobbed into Takemichi’s neck.  Takemichi gulped, trying to keep his own tears from coming out.  Also, because he felt his chest grow heavy and he felt breathing was getting a little too hard.  He removed himself from the hug.  “Good bye, old friend.”

Takemichi ran away.  Akkun yelled at him to come back.  Takemichi didn't listen.   He ran out of the building, hid himself behind a dirty alley.  He keeled over, hands clutching at his chest as he tried to breathe.  His airways tightly shut and he started to suffocate.

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