Getting to know each other

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You and Redson went back to the fortress, "Hey, Y/n, Bull King let us stay here while your mom is away!" Xuě yelled from across the room. You gave you father a thumbs up, "My son can show you to the guest bedroom," Iron Fan said.

"Why must we stay here?Did something happen?" you asked your father with a worried expression, "Don't worry about it, hun. You should sleep, it's getting late," Xuê told you. "Okay," you replied before walking to the guest room with Redson.

-next day-

"Since you're basically living with us now, why don't you tell more about yourself." Redson said to you. You stayed silent, you weren't really comfortable talking with someone you had just met.

Redson sat there, trying his hardest to be patient. "Should I go first?" he asked. "'s just, im not really comfortable with talking with someone new. I get anxious and no words come out, knowing that I'm gonna be here for a while I have to start getting used to it.."

Redson nodded, "So, you're an introvert?"

"Yeah...I guess. Don't be suprised when you see my personality change around you."

"Okay...What's your favourite movie?" He asked you with a decent smile. "It's (f/m)," you responded and he gasped, "Mine too! I mean...that's also my favourite movie," he blushed lightly. "It is? Usually people have never heard of it."

"They obviously have no taste!" you giggled softly at the firey boy. "I like how your hair flares up when you feel a strong emotion, it's cool."

"T-thanks, what can you do with your power?" You stood up and went to the middle of the room. You lifted your hands up and made snowflakes that went everywhere, "I can also make snow piles, ice statues and some other things."

You sat back down and ice formed from your hands, you were making something. "What're you making?" Redson asked. "You'll see."

The ice statue started morphing into something, Redson. You made a small ice sculpture of Redson, "The nice part is that it doesn't melt," Redson started in awe as he looked at the sculpture.

"My baby is all grown up.." Xuê sniffled from the door. "Dad...seriously? We're busy..."

Your dad walked in the room, "What are you guys talking about?" "Ourselves," Redson replied. "Oh how fun! Y/n, remember when you were just a toddler you froze the entire village?" your dad laughed.

"You froze an entire village?" Redson asked. "I was like,5, at the time," you said. "And this other time you accidently froze someone's heart?"

"You said tbat you would never mention that! Stop talking!" you covered ice over you father's mouth. Xuê took the ice off and continued talking, saying embarassing stuff about you when you were a child.

"You have embarassed me and for that you must die," you stood up as half your body turned to ice.(pic at top)

Xuê quickly got up and ran away, "Woah, that's pretty cool." Redson said. "Thanks. I only use it to scare people."

"It's almost like me when I flare up. Is this what you ment when you said your personality would change?"

"Yeah, I get more comfortable and start talking more. Now that my dad had basically told my life story, it's your turn."

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