Pure smile

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You and Redson went to the noodle shop again, "I'll be right back, Y/n." Redson told you and walked away.

"You never smile," MK came out of nowhere.

* blink *

"Mei, Tang! Get over here, I have an idea!" the boy yelled to his friends. "What's up?"

-with redson-

"Peasant, what does Y/n like?" Redson asked your father. "What do you mean? Like, food or an accessory?" Xuê questioned, "Anything."

"Well, they like to collect animal plushies and fruit plushies. I'm getting them a grape plush for their birthday, next week!" he exclaimed. "Thank you." Redson left to go to a toy store.

"A little ice cube plush," Redson chuckled softly as he picked it up and put it in the trolley. He went into each aisle and took the animal/food plushies, he kinda almost finished stock..

"Son...what are you doing?" PIF asked Redson as he held three plastic bags filled with plushies, "I have collected plushies for Y/n's birthday," he told his mother. "I see you've warmed up to them(pun intended)."

"Yeah, they're....not as annoying as everyone else," Redson blushed. "Whatever helps you sleep at night," PIF walked away. Redson's hair flared up before feeling his phone vibrate. It was the group that MK had made.


~✨Noodle Club✨~

🐵Noodle Boy🍜 : Yo, Redson. Where are you?

🔥Redson🔥 : None of your business, noodle boy.

🐵Noodle Boy🍜 : Y/n misses you (︶^︶)

🔥Redson🔥 : Fine, I'm on my way.



Redson sighed as he went to hide the plushies in his room. Once he successfully hid them all, he went back to the noodle shop.

Once he got there he saw MK, Mei, Xing, Tang and even Pigsy crowding around you. "What are you morons doing?" Redson asked. "Trying to see who makes Y/n smile first, winner gets 50 bucks from each loser."

"Hey, Y/n, you're looking pretty/handsome today!" Tang said. 

* blink *

"Dang it," he sighed. "I'll let you have two free bowls of noodles," Pigsy said, "Really?" you questioned, "No! I can't, it's not worth it!" Pigsy went back to the kitchen. "We've tried everything!" Mei exclaimed.

"Peasants...Move aside, noodle boy, for I, Redson, will show you how it's done!" Redson said proudly, "There's no chance. If we can't make them smile then you definetly can't!" Mk said. Redson rolled his eyes as he sat next to you.

"Hey," he said calmly. "Hi..." you smiled softly. 'They such a pure smile.'

"It is a miracle..." Tang whispered. "Let's leave them be..." Mei said with a smug grin which MK followed. "You have a nice smile," you blushed at Redson's comment. "Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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