Chapter 2-The secret

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As I was walking along the street, I suddenly heard someone shout for me. "YJJ! YJJ!!" the person shouted again. I turned around and found a police officer behind me.

"What's up, Harry? Why ya lookin for me?" I asked.

"Yo, BIG NEWS! We've found something mysterious, a big box, beautifully decorated. You gotta come see it!! We haven't open it, so we just want you to see it for yourself" Harry replied.



"OK lor, then bring me there lor."

Harry brought me to his police car, then speed through the street, and entered the Pan Island Expressway. He kinda broke the speed limit that I set of 95km/h though, but I did not mind (He drove at 130 km/h!!). Once we reached the place, which was at the park just beside the national museum, we walked briskly and exicitedly into a secret trapdoor under a dustbin. I admit it stunk, but it was the only choice, no other way in, not even dig, cuz the tunnel is made of bedrock. We walked down a flight of stairs, until we reached a old, partially rusty iron door. It was opened, and inside was a big room with many people in it. Everyone lined up and gave way for me.

"This way sir," Harry said. We went to the centre of the room, where the box was placed. With curiosity, I slowly opened the box...

The adventures of YJJcoolcool & Friends in Minecraft-S5 SPECIAL EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now