Chapter 7-New life

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You know why in the previous chapter we looked so embarassing? This is the reason. We were wearing some old fashioned clothes and almost everyone wore shirts with lots of gadgets. Anyway, the first day of life.

I walked to the nearby train station to board the train to City Hall, where YJJ no. 2's workplace was. It seemed like the usual train station I currently have in my city. Just brightened up a little. Everything looked the same. And that stopped when I looked at the train map while waiting for the train. There were hundreds of stations in the city!! I estimated it to be 258 stations! Oh my gosh! The normal YJJ city we have now has only 56 stations. The train arrived shortly. On the train, this was exactly the same train as the newest trains in YJJ city right now. And it was considered one of the oldest trains in future YJJ city right now.

(You might be wondering what YJJ city i'm talking about. The 2100 version is what I call future YJJ city. The YJJ city which I am originally in is YJJ city.)

The train went super duper fast. We arrived at every station at a maximum of a minute. I guess that will be speeding in YJJ city right now. I exit the City Hall station and headed for a tall skyscraper which YJJ no. 2 told me to go to. I walked down the street, and lots of floating cars passed by. (I srsly do not understand why they still built roads even though the ars could float. [Well, not float but get repelled by magnets on the roads] Maybe for safety.)

I entered the building and took the lift to the 109 storey. And something happened. I realised that although the lift was going up to a high altitude, my ears did not like bludge or what did you call that? I'll take that as a 'pop'. Maybe it's the technology they use to prevent your ears from 'poping'. I entered the room, and there sat YJJ no. 2.

The adventures of YJJcoolcool & Friends in Minecraft-S5 SPECIAL EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now