Comfort for the Slytherin (Gn/Ravenclaw Reader)

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Tw: self-harm, depression, homophobia, swearing (a lot of it) :TW (starting off strong lol)

Hey journal,

Sebastian here.

I know it's been a hot minute since I've written in you, but new start to the school year, new me I guess. Anyway, not much has happened. Anne isn't getting any better and I'm really worried about her. But I think I know a way to help her. I don't want to write anything else, better keep it a surprise I always say.

Hey journal,

What the fuck just happened.

Okay, I guess I kind of know, but it's going to be a long explanation, so settle in.

There's this new student, a fifth-year like me named y/n. Yeah, they joined the school as a fifth-year with no prior experience, or so they say. But they're way too good at magic for that to be true.

First, they beat me in a duel, which hasn't happened in a long time. And then, Professor Weasly asked me to take them into Hogsmead to get them some supplies. I also got something to help Anne hopefully.

But before we could leave these two trolls attacked! Yeah, right in the middle of Hogsmeade. One was chased away, but we had to fight the other one. Almost got pulverized. Luckily, they did some kind of weird af magic that I'd never seen before and exploded the troll into dust. They're so much more powerful than anyone I've met.

I think they could really help me.

After the whole troll thing, we had a couple of butter beers and headed back to the castle. We went our separate ways, them to the Ravenclaw tower and I to the Slytherin common room. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends.

Hey journal,

Y/n and I have been hanging out a lot. I've shown them the Undercroft and even got to teach them a couple of new spells. Of course, they got the hang of them immediately. If I wasn't so impressed I'd be insanely jealous. Okay, maybe I am a little jealous. But it's hard not to be, they're just so goddamn good.

Also, I saw them talking to that girl, Natty. Can't see what they'd have to talk to her about. I mean, she is a Gryffindor and you know how I feel about Gryffindors. Besides, I've already told them all there is to know about Hogwarts.

Okay, yeah, maybe they just like making friends. I don't know why I'm getting so worked up about this, it isn't like they belong to me or anything.

Hey journal,

It's normal to doodle your friend all over any paper, right? And also feel strangely lonely when they're not around and immediately feel happier once you see them again and consistently have dreams about them and maybe think that their hair looks amazing and soft and their eyes are the most beautiful color you've ever seen and that they're the most spectacular person you've ever met and...


Oh fuck.

Hey journal,

Let's get one thing out of the way. I'm straight.

That being said, I want to kiss the everloving fuck out of y/n's perfect face.

They're just so amazing in every way possible. Their magic is so powerful and their jokes brighten any room and just the way they look it's just so so, argh! I'm in deep shit, journal. And I have no clue how to get myself out.

Hey journal,

I fucked up, big time. I left you in the common room and some jackass read you. They were all talking about you know what. And it's only a matter of time before y/n knows it too.

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