Jealousy and Tea Leaves (Gn/Hufflepuff Reader)

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TW: swearing :TW

Sebastian Sallow doesn't consider himself a jealous man. However, this changes very quickly once you arrive. From the moment he first sees you, he knows he's in trouble. And he's right, but he's not the only one. Garreth Weasley has taken a liking to you as well.

That Gryffindor always seems to be near you, and despite how much Sebastian tries to deter him he won't leave you alone. At least Sebastian's made it so when he's with you Garreth will keep his distance but the moment the Slytherin leaves he pounces. And you being the sweetheart you are, you won't tell him to go away.

One day Sebastian's walking outside the castle looking for you. He wants to make sure you understand the Defense Against the Dark Arts homework, not because he has no clue how to start it himself. He smiles at hearing your voice and rounds the corner. But his grin fades as he sees the Gryffindor at your side. Garreth has an arm around your shoulders and is close to you, talking about something. You're clearly uncomfortable and squirming slightly, trying to stand as far away from him as possible. Sebastian's face darkens and he rushes over, interrupting Garreth, "There you are y/n."

"Sebastian!" The relief on your face is immediate and you can shrug Garreth's arm off. "Let's go do the thing."

Sebastian knots his eyebrows, "what thing-" you tilt your head slightly to Garreth, "Oh right that thing! Yeah, let's go." He takes your hand and pulls you away, glaring at Garreth.

"See you later y/n," Garreth winks at you.

"Bye." You and Sebastian hurry away, speedwalking back into the castle. You both collapse on a bench, your head falling into your hands.

"You okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, he just won't leave me alone."

"Do you want me to kill him? Cause I will."

"Sebastian no, it wouldn't be good for either of us to go to Azkaban and you're on thin ice already."

"I still might kill him."

You chuckle, "In that case, I'll help you hide the body."

Ever since that day, Sebastian has gotten even more protective, sticking by your side as much as possible. And he's gotten more touchy with you, either having an arm slung over your shoulders or holding your hand. You don't mind, in fact, you kind of like it. And Garreth has surprisingly stopped bothering you, he actually doesn't come near you at all.

But then one night Sebastian and you have plans to go and study together in the Undercroft. He's meeting you outside your common room. But when he gets up there someone else is already outside the door. Garreth is standing there, kicking the entrance. "Stupid barrel-"

"Garreth? What the fuck are you doing?"

Garreth swings around with a jump, "Jesus man!" Sebastian stares at him, noticing that he's holding flowers.

He puts two and two together, "You're here to talk to y/n, aren't you? I thought I told you to leave them alone."

"You don't control them! Maybe they want to be with me, not your weird Slytherin ass."

"They don't, trust me. So leave."


Sebastian pulls out his wand, his expression darkening. Garreth drops the flowers, "of course, wand fighting. Typical Slytherin."

"What? We're wizards, you jackass."

"Why don't you fight me like a real man? No magic, just fists. Unless you're scared."

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