The Aftermath (Hufflepuff Reader)

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This was a prompt by the lovely @sewerspit. Sorry, it's kind of short, but I think it works well. Also sorry the reader isn't more fem, I didn't really write any pronouns at all lol. Anyway, thanks for the inspo, I hope it meets your expectations!

TW: IDK man, murder and talk of mass genocide I guess :TW

Some days you hate your mind. You despise how it thinks, how it longs to hurt people, yearns to feel alive. But then others you feel it's a gift that will help you do great things. And if that means killing a few people, so be it.

It helps that you were sorted into Hufflepuff, no one ever suspects the "sweet baby" house. It allows you to play dumb, acting like you don't know about the goblin rebellion or the unforgivable curses. But it does help you learn about ancient magic, something you never knew you had. Now with these new talents under your belt, you feel ready to put your plan in place.

You've always been close to nature, it's the great beauty and wonder of the world. But you hate how humans treat it, always destroying, constantly hurting. You've found a spell, hidden in a cave deep in a forest. When cast it can cover kilometers of land in vines and plants, if used with big enough force it could wrap the world.

Ranrok and Victor Rookwood are simply pawns. They think they're the ones in control, but it's always been you pulling the strings, telling them where to go and who to kill. You're dangerous, no doubt about it. You know it and you love when others do too. They don't yet, but they will.

The only problem is, you do fit your house. Fiercely loyal. It was helpful for when your mother died, you carry on her legacy. But it's not useful when you meet someone who you can't help but care for.

Sebastian Sallow. You met him in Defense Against the Dark Arts and easily beat him in a duel. You weren't expecting to talk to him again, but immediately after he invited you to join a dueling club. You admire his confidence. Also, you figured he could help you, at least give you an alibi.

But then the day of reckoning comes. You've gathered all that you need, but there's been a slight change of plans. You just can't bring yourself to kill Sebastian. So after heavy consideration, you've decided to let him in on what you're doing.

You approach him after class and ask him to meet you in the forbidden forest after dark. He's a little concerned but agrees.

So now you're standing in the heart of the forest, preparing yourself for what you're about to do. Sebastian comes walking out of the shadows. "Hey, Sebastian."

"Hi. So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"It's a long story. My mother was a passionate thinker-"


"She died two years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Anyway, she had this great plan, something that would change the world forever. You know how there are these invasive species, these pests that often plague habitats? Well, she believed that humans were the leading pests of the natural world. She had a way to eliminate all of humankind and return the planet to its rightful state, but she died before she could complete her plan. But now I-"

"Hold on, hold on! What are you saying? Eliminating all of humankind? You're talking about killing billions of people!"

"A small price to pay for the greater good. Think about it Sebastian, what have humans ever done for us? They just destroy and kill, not caring about the living beings they hurt along the way. It's about time someone gave them a taste of their own medicine. But I don't want to do it alone. Stand with me Sebastian, we'll be the last two people alive. We can rebuild the world, make it better."

Sebastian takes a step back, shaking his head, "you're crazy."

"Oh come on! What happened to us? Who was the one who stood by you when no one else would? The one who helped you save your sister? All that I'm asking is that you do the same for me, is that so hard?"

"Yes! You're asking me to commit mass genocide!"

"No, I'll be the one fixing the world, you just have to stay still and not die."

"I won't let you do this."

You toss your head back and laugh, a maniacal smile stretched across your face. "And how exactly do you plan to stop me?"

Sebastian pulls out his wand and shouts, "Avada Ked-"

In an instant, he's frozen still, unable to talk or move. You click your tongue disappointingly and move him closer to you, "I had such high hopes for you." You pry his wand from his grip and twirl it around. "But I guess that's just how humans are, constant letdowns."

Sebastian glares at you and gives a muffled protest. You wave your hand and he takes a deep breath of air, able to once again speak. "You're a monster."

"I'm the aftermath of how humanity treats the world." You grin, the wind billowing around you and whipping up your yellow and black robes. The moonlight illuminates you in standing in the forest, a spotlight for what shall soon be the greatest performance of all time. You look almost godlike. If Sebastian wasn't so terrified he'd be madly infatuated.

You pull him close, "even though you can't yet see how necessary what I'm doing is, I just can't let you die. I guess the sorting hat was right about one thing, I really am loyal. Oh, don't worry, I'll keep Anne alive too, and maybe Ominis."

Sebastian stares at you, terror etched across his face. Fear is a good look on him. You point your wand to the sky. "Let's save the world."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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