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Your POV

I was in my room playing with my group of plushies around my small plastic table. Mom told me to go to my room while her and dad talked and she hasn't told me to come out yet so I stayed here just as I was told. I had put on my favorite outfit for the small tea party I was having with my plushies and tried to blur out the yelling coming from the living room.
"Want some more food Freddy?" I asked the plushie. Mom had gotten me plushies of my favorite band members from Freddy Fazbear's a few years ago and they are my absolute favorite things in the whole wide world! Dad wasn't to happy when mom gave them to me but didn't say anything about it. I poured some more 'tea' into Freddy's cup and some more into my own.
A piercing scream suddenly filled the air and I quickly jumped up from my seat. Dad burst into my room looking furious and his eyes landed on me. Even though I was already 5 dad was still so much bigger then me which didn't help at all. I saw my mom yelling and crying trying to push dad to the side so she could get in the room but he was blocking the entire doorway.
"I. Want. You. Out." He slurred. Out? Out where? Was he leaving me?
Mom was finally able to shove past dad and stood in between me and dad.
"Derik she's only 5 you can't possibly be serious!" She sobbed. But dad didn't listen. He roughly pushed mom onto the floor and grabbed my small arm way to tight. He began pulling me out of my room but I was just able to grab the little paw on Freddy's arm before I left.
"D-daddy your hurting my arm!" I yelled in pain. But he didn't listen, I think he tightened his grip even. We got to the front door and dad kneeled down to my level. Tears were threatening to escape my eyes but I held them as best as I could.
"Your a little money drainer, nothing good has come from you being here so I want you gone. Don't think about coming back." He whispered. I frantically nodded just wanting him to let go of my arm. Dad stood up and swung the door open and practically threw me out. The last thing I heard from inside the house was my mom screaming my name.
I slowly picked myself up and brushed off the dirt that got on my costume. A bit away from me was the Freddy plush sprawled on the lawn. I stumbled over and picked him up and looked back at the house.
"Guess it's just us now..." I cried softly. I turned towards the sidewalk and began walking to the only other place I knew how to get to from memory.
"Maybe someone from there can help me." I thought hopefully. Something wet suddenly fell onto my nose and I looked up confused. Oh.
"Well...I needed to shower anyways."

The walk to the pizzeria seemed so much longer then it usually is when I'm with my mom but I did eventually make it. My h/c hair was soaked and sticking to my face, my favorite dress was ruined with mud and grim. Luckily Freddy was only wet from the rain so he just needed a quick dry off. The neon sign in front of the building glowed brightly in the dark rain and had a comforting feel to it. I walked up to the front door and peaked inside. All the arcade games were powered off and I didn't see any signs of life.
"Maybe there's a back door." I walked around the perimeter of the building and low and behold, the opposite end of the front door side, there was a swinging back door. My face lit up slightly as I pushed the doors in and stumbled inside. The feeling of not having rain pelt down on me was so refreshing and for a moment I just stood there taking in the warmth and dryness of the building. After I had my moment I looked around the room letting my eyes adjust to to darkness and realized I was in a kitchen. My stomach suddenly growled and I remembered that all I had today was some invisible tea and a pop tart my mom snuck me to eat.
"I wonder if they have any pizza?" I walked around the small kitchen for a few minions looking for anything edible. It didn't exactly help that I had to jump just to see the counter tops. On one jump however, when I landed I must have slipped on my wet feet and I fell face first into the floor making a loud noise. I yelled in pain and immediately put my hand to my nose which came back a bit red.
I frantically looked around before crawling underneath the table I fell next to and stayed as quiet as I could. My hand was still holding my nose and it began to hurt really badly. Did I break it? My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps approaching my hiding spot quickly. I suddenly had the feeling I was forgetting something. I looked behind me and my breath hitched. My Freddy plushie was sitting in the middle of the kitchen. I must have dropped him when I fell! I was about to peak out and grab him when I saw black shoes stand right in front of him and I recoiled my hand.
"Now what is this doing back here? What- why is it soaked? Did Chica spill something on it?"
The mystery person kneeled down to pick up the plushie which made him in eye view. Just a turn of the head and I'd be seen.
"Hmm a trail of water?" The man stood up and turned towards the back door I just entered and turned around to follow the water.
"From the door, to here, to..."
I'm doomed.
The footsteps came right in front of the table and I finally gave in and began to cry. The man crouched down and looked surprised to see me under here. But his expression changed to a look of guilt and sorrow when he saw me crying.
"Oh lord child what are you doing here?" He asked softly. He held out his hand but I quickly backed away in fear which made him recoil. This man looked a bit weird from all the other workers I've seen. He had odd markings on his face that made him look like some sort of robot yet he looked human. He wore a black shirt and a brown vest with a small black bow tie and the dress pants and shoes were also black. On his head I was taken back when I saw his black top hat but also bear ears! He didn't seem human yet looked kinda human.
"Is this yours?" He asked talking me out of my train of thought. I looked down at what he was offering and saw my Freddy plushie. I looked back up at his face and he smiled. Could I trust him? I took a shaky breath and slowly inched back towards him just enough to grab my Freddy plushie and held him tightly.
"Wow for a 5 year old your fast." He chuckled. How did he know I was 5?
"Y-you look f-familiar." I stuttered realizing how cold it had gotten. It must be from my wet dress.
"Well I'd imagine I would be, but that's besides the point. I think you need some help kid."
I looked down at the Freddy plushie I was holding to my chest and then back up at the guy. I wiped away my tears so I could see clearly and held out my hand.
I think I can trust him.

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