The Others

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Fred boi (if you can't tell I like making fun of this guy)

The bear guy introduced himself as Freddy and offered that I could stay here until my mom finds me.
"Ok! It'll be fun living in a pizzeria!" I exclaimed excited.

Freddy Frazzlbear's POV (I will never stop heheh)

It felt good to see this child happy after seeing her so scared hiding under that table. I have yet to figure out how she even got here but I won't push for it. For now, I just have to focus on getting her home to her mom. Which got me wondering.
"Y\N, do you have a father?" I asked. She looked up at me and then down at the floor.
"Yeah but he's mean! He hurts me and mama!" She exclaimed angrily. "If mama finds me I don't wanna go home unless he isn't there."
Oh lord. Is she from a broken home? I stopped walking when Y/N came in front of me and held up her wrist. A small purple circle went around it like a wrist band. A bruise.
"Daddy did that to me, he threw me out saying I was a..Money drainer? What does that mean?" She asked me innocently. So that's what happened. Who would throw out a 5 year old?!
"It means something not nice Y/N." I answered. "Come on, I'll help you with that bruise." I off my hand to Y/N and lead her to staff room where they had medical supplies, but to my surprise, someone was already there.
"Oh! Hey Freddy!" Bonnie greeted upon noticing me. He too was in his human form and his ears perked up when he saw Y/N.
"Oooo and who might you be kid?" Bonnie asked Y/N. Her grip on my hand became a bit tighter and she slightly hid herself behind me.
"Bonnie this is Y/N, she will be with us for an...Unknown amount of time due to some circumstances." I explained briefly. I would fill him in on everything later.
"Oh sweet! Should we show her to the others?" Bonnie suggested. I looked down at Y/N seeing if she agreed.
"Yeah, I'd like that." She spoke up. Never took her to be the shy type but you learn something new everyday I suppose.
"But first your wrist." I reminded her. "Bonnie could you go into that cabinet and grab some bandages?" I asked him. He nodded and pulled out a white box with a Red Cross and inside brought out a roll of white wrap. I brought Y/N over to a small brown leather couch and she sat down on it holding out her wrist.
"Holy smokes kid how'd you get that?" Bonnie asked looking at me concerned. I was about to tell him I'd explain later but Y/N spoke up.
"Daddy called me something not nice and hurt me." She said bluntly. I mean, she wasn't wrong but Bonnie definitely wasn't expecting that answer.
"Oh! Well that's uh, not good." I mentally slapped my forehead and once I got the bandage around Y/N's wrist I pulled Bonnie aside.
"Bon I'll explain everything later but right now I'd rather her not relive trauma in her head at the moment." I whispered. Bonnie nodded and gave me a thumbs up. He turned back to Y/N and kneeled down to her level.
"Alright Y/N! operation Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria sleepover is ago, first line of business: getting the fox and chicken on board." Y/N laughed at Bonnie's humor which made me smile. Bonnie picks up Y/N and placed her over his shoulder as she used his ears as handles which I laughed a bit at.
"Oh laugh it up Fazbear at least I don't have to worry about a hat muffling sound." He retorted.
"I supposes, just don't slip on air while she's up there." I warned.
"Yeah yeah it'll be fine. Y/N have you ever met a pirate?"
Y/N met Foxy and Chica and let's just say Chica, adores her...A lot. Foxy was very keen on someday teaching her how to sword fight. I had to remind them all that Y/N staying here was temporary multiple times. But even though I knew it was best for her, I can't help but feel that she would be better anywhere but the home she has. Even with her dad gone I can't assure her mother will act the same. We were interrupted by the 6:00 am bell ringing.
"I'll stay behind with the lass." Foxy offered which I was relieved about. Being the mascot sadly meant no days off.
"Thank you Foxy. Bonnie, Chica, let's go."
I began to walk to the stage when I felt something wrap around my leg. I looked down and saw it was Y/N. I smiled and patted her head.
"You'll see me again tonight, and we will keep an out eye for your mother." I assured her. She nodded and let go of my leg. Bonnie and Chica caught up to me and started teasing.
"Awww Fredster are you becoming your inner papa bear?" Chica laughed.
"I'm simply helping a child who obviously needs it." I answered plainly. I had no intents of becoming her father, just going to get her, home.

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