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The day has arrived. It has finally come.

It doesn't take months for things to come full circle this time. It doesn't take weeks for things to work out as in the case of Josi and her past squabbles. It takes thirteen days - thirteen days for Rand to plan his revenge. Josi is satisfied bay the Consigliere's speed, but she's even more so impressed. It had taken him mere days to pull some strings, to concoct his own plan against who he now considers his enemy. Idris Verdonni.

The ring served its purpose well as Josi knew it would. The Consigliere never took it off once, not when he was stuck believing the jewelry belonged to his deceased daughter. And due to that weakness, Josi was able to salvage his plans.

The saying goes 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend'. Well, Rand's friends in this case just so happens to be the Toulour family. The Consigliere ratted Idris out to his own enemies and derived some help. He came to them with information he knew would demolish the Verdonni family, and the Toulours welcomed him with arms full of warmth, as though he had climbed down their chimney with bags full of presents.

But the plan will only take place after the opera show.

Josi's journey into the opera house was eventful, due largely in part to the dress she chose to wear that evening. The backless tulle gown has been draped around her body by the straps on her shoulders. It gives way to the pendant necklace that graces her back down to the bottom. The head turns from the jewelry alone were ceaseless, hence why her trip inside was hectic. There were camera flashes everywhere, all scrambling to capture Josi's look.

Dami's dress wraps her body in the most dainty way possible. The lengthy silk garment includes a slit that teases the tattoo around her right thigh, a treat for both men and women to stop and admire. The gloves cover her arms, but accentuate the diamond ring on her finger. Josi has learned from Dami that being an assassin isn't only cut out for murder. Sometimes, theft comes just as useful.

Then there's Rosari in the middle who is currently in a battle with patience. Much like the other two, her v-neck gown is drenched in black. The long sleeves are cut-outs of laces, with a pair of gloves made from the same material. The thing that ties it all together, however, is the fascinator that keeps most of her features hidden. It is her father's funeral after all.

The three stand behind the railing, eyes down at the bustling crowd below. They're only but a spectacle amidst the masses, but they don't do much to attract attention. Three women dressed all in black. It's a difficult sight to miss.

Chatter can be heard from the booth next to the three. In fact, it can be heard from all around them, but Rosari completely tunes it out. Josi hasn't seen her move much since the evening began. But it figures since it's the day Enzo Maranzo will be lost in history, because his death isn't too far off. This is the thought she knows currently keeps Rosari's mind locked in a cage. It's the day of her freedom.

"How did you get Rand to turn against Enzo and Idris?" Roasri asks.

Josi ponders, then says, "All men have a formula. You just need to figure out what it is, add it to the calculation, and you have yourself an answer."

Both Dami and Rosari stare at her in perpetual silence. "Remind me never to become your enemy." Says Dami.

The audience breaks into another ovation from the performer. Meanwhile, Rosari still hasn't regained her composure. She clasps her hands, then unties them and sets them on the railing. She's anxious.

Josi squeezes her shoulder and gives her a smile full of certainty. "It'll be fine. Trust me."

Rosari finds assurance in that smile and calms herself down. But her anxiety gets the better of her again. "You're sure the bomb will go off?"

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