should have been me.

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With the girls who are rude to me for no reason out of class I honestly thought it would be a decent day, even if my old friend group who I had argued with for months on end is here and most definitely wants to talk to me and start more shit are all here today I was having a good day.  Until I heard shots in the hallways.

The announcement that they always play during drills didn't even play so we initially thought it was a drill and they were trying something new.  The teacher got a call on their walkie talkie and immediately told poor Olivia

"Olivia! Shut the fuck up!"  Olivia went quiet and all heads turned towards her so we all saw tears start to run down her face at the thought that this was real.

Some kids started to go under their tables to hide which I thought was the dumbest idea ever but at that point I didn't know I was about to make a life changing decision, one that would either ruin my life forever or change it for the better. either way, I still chose to make this choice. 

I pulled out my phone and texted my parents goodbye when I heard the door slam open and a burning pain in my abdomen along with something set dripping down my stomach.

I looked down and saw blood.

My own blood.

I immediately started panicking and took off my hoodie to wrap it around the wound and slow the blood loss even a bit.

I feel the hair standing up on my arms.  My breathing quickens and I can't even cry.  I try to ground myself with the 5 things 5 senses trick my therapist taught me after I watched my father die at the ripe age of 7 after getting shot when a robber broke into our home.

It didn't work.  I start to feel lightheaded and sweaty.  Everything feels uncomfortable.  The way my clothes stick to my skin...I don't even feel pain from my wound anymore.

Speaking of my wound, I didn't know I could bleed this much? 

At that final thought I lose consciousness and fall face first into my desk.


I wake up in a bright white room which I recognize as a hospital room, with a bandage around my stomach and a blood bag connected to my arm.

And...Vada is here?

Vada is my friend of 5 years, we used to hate each other's guts before we became friends but we slowly became closer and eventually we became close enough to call ourselves friends.

She was on her phone sitting next to me, so I decided to try and say something to get her attention.

"Hey, vada" it didn't really come out as smooth as I wanted to because I haven't spoken in a while.

"Y/n? You're awake? Oh my god you're awake!" Vada said and got up from where she's sitting and gave me a tight hug.

It kinda hurt my bullet wound but it's fine if it's her.  Oh I forgot to mention, I have had a crush on her for 3 of that 5 years.  I mean, who wouldn't? She's a beautiful girl.

"I've missed you so much..." Vada whispered into the top of my head.

"How long has it been since you know...the thing?" I asked, still sensitive about the topic since I haven't been able to vent about it to anyone.

"It's been 3 weeks."

"3 weeks?"

"Yeah and you're sadly the only person who survived that was shot."

"Who was killed? Is there a list?"

"Yeah, here." Vada pulled up something on her phone and showed it to me. 

My sister?

My sister was killed?


I feel myself start to panic again, the hair rises up on my arms and I hyperventilate.  Vada notices I'm about to have a panic attack so she hugs me a bit tighter, trying to ground me.  She grabs my hand and squeezes it which effectively makes my heartbeat slow down a bit and my breathing slow.

"They got my sister...?" I whispered to her.

"I was gonna tell you... But I didn't want you to feel more pain then you already do...I'm sorry, I really am...I can't imagine how you probably feel right now." Vada whispered back and let go of me and backed up a bit from my bed.

I finally let myself cry.  I just need time by myself right now.

"Hey, vada? Can you please go? I just need time to think about what happened."

"Of course." She just left without another word and went god knows where (probably to Mia's house) to talk to someone else.

Man, I sort of feel like this is my fault.  I could have gone to her classroom.  I should be the one dead not her.  It should have been me...

Sorry for the short chapter to start off guys 😢

835 words

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