Chapter 4 Princess and Crystals

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(Maretime Bay Police Station)

In the Maretime Police Sprout was eating pizza while Hitch paced ranting about Sunny and I

"I told them. I told them. No more favours. No more bailing them out they gave me no choice. No choice! All right. We need to arrest them and bring them back to face the full force of the law" Sprout not really listen danged a piece of pizza above is mouth and asked "Question – when you say "we", you mean...?" 'You and I' Hitch said plainly "Uh, I... I'd love to, but, um, I just gotta... clean up my workspace, get my papers in order, and, um..." said Sprout scrubbing his desk with the pizza slice and hitting his papers of the desk clear his was trying to hide the fact that he scared of Izzy "You know what? I think you're right. This one's a job for Hitch and Hitch only" said Hitch Sprout sigh in relief Hitch pinned his badge on and walked towards the door "All right. Sprout, you stay here while I'm out dancing with danger. Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, be a pillar of strength" he then pause and just went "Who am I kidding? Just try not to start a war while I'm gone, okay?" and left Sprout gave a groan "Everypony loooooves Hitch. What does he have anyway? Sure, he's got a perfect mane, shredded abs, paid-off mortgage..." he said ripping pictures of hitch on a calendar "So what?! I've got stuff! I can do, um... things!" "Like that!" pulling down the calendar "And that! And that!" close lockers back kicking them Phyllis then rushed into the police station "Where's Hitch?! Ponies all over town, they're terrified! They want answers!" she said in a panic "He went after Sunny and Xavier. Another solo Hitch mission" explained Sprout "Sugarcube, why the Sprout pout? That's great news" said Phyllis "It is?" said Spout confused "Yes! It means that you are the sheriff! At least for now" said Phyllis pinning a gold badge on to Sprout "I am! Hey there. The name's Sprout. Sheriff Sprout. What's the problem, filly? Don't worry. Sheriff Sprout is here. Pick up that litter! Sheriff Sprout's orders!" he then turned to his mom and they nodded at each other

Sunny Izzy and I were walking through a very misty valley on this trip we had got to know Izzy better and found out she's very energetic, creative, optimistic, talented and finds wonder in everything she may came off scatter brained but I could tell she had a big heart and was smarter then she lets on "You know, not to freak you out or anything, but you do know Pegasi can steal your luminescence, right?" said Izzy "My lumi-what?" asked Sunny "Luminescence. You know, like, your sparkle? Yours is... lavender" said Izzy "And the happier you are, the brighter it shines!" she finished "Is that type of magic?" I asked "Don't know maybe" said Izzy "Why do you still have your magic if Unicorns lost there's?" asked Sunny "Don't know must be an Alicorn thing" I said "Do you think you could show me some magic?" "I've always want to see some" she asked "Sure" I said then lifted her up "OH me to" said Izzy I the lifted here then lowed them back to the ground "Not to interrupt by I get the felling were not alone here" I said something whooshed behind us we then saw the shadow jump over us "Run!" I said as we ran to the end of this gorge and found it was a dead end we saw the figure following us "Climb!" I said helping Sunny up "Hurry!" said Sunny to me reaching down to grab my hoof I grabbed her's I made it to the ledge but then Sunny she slipped "Sunny!" said Izzy Sunny grabbed Izzy's horn and Izzy pulled her up we sighed in relief then the figure jumped out both the girls screamed and grabbed on to me the Figure jumped up and came to a halt there stood a Pegasus with white coat with silver hooves. Their wings had light blue and lavender feathers and were quite long. There mane was hot pink with aqua and pink streaks, and it resembled gelled hair. There tail is similarly coloured and is of average length "A real Pegasus...!" gasped Sunny "Whoa! A unicorn? And an Earth pony? Together?! Okay, well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting" said the Pegasus her voice sounded female ("Okay she's a Girl') I thought we then heard the sound of metal clanking and saw to Pegasus guard turn t around the corner the Pegasus gasped and made a run for it "Don't tell them you saw me!" she said and jumped off the ledge "There's no way we cooooould! We don't even know your naaaaame!" called Izzy "She seems nice" she then said when then heard one of the guards scream and whimper "Thunder! Get it together!" said his partner "Sorry Zoom But... But that's an Earth pony!" said Thunder They're harmless. They have very tiny brains" said Zoom "What do we do about those?!" he asked pointing at Izzy and I "Well, did you bring the shield?" asked Zoom "What shield?" asked Thunder "Didn't you read the guard guide?" said Zoom "Yes! ...Okay, no" he answered "Ugh, fine! I've got this" she stack tennis balls on Izzy's and my horn then tied my wings up they then brought us to the elevator to take us to Zephyr Heights "That's creative" said Izzy "Got to work with what you got" I said "So true" Izzy Said "Does that feel weird?" asked Sunny "No/Not really" we said Sunny got out her notebook and started to asked Thunder some questions "What's it like to fly? Is your wingspan the same as your height?" "Well, I—"began Thunder but Sunny continued "Do you need a license to fly? How far can you go?" Izzy then asked "Can you fly to the moon?" Sunny chipped in again "Do Pegasi wear horseshoes, or do they just weigh you down?" she asked "Well, I-I do collect sneakers" said Thunder "Hey, hey, hey! Don't answer anything! They could be spies" said Zoom "What kind of sneakers?" I asked Sunny and Izzy turned their heads to me "What? There weren't any good questions left" I said the elevator then cleared the cloud line and we saw Zephyr Heights in all its glory "Wow!" said Sunny and Izzy "This is stagging good we are above the clouds" I said a news report appeared on the big screens they had on the side of the skyscrapers "Good morning, Zephyr Heights! It's another beautiful day in the big city. Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight's royal celebration!" said Skye Sliver "Royal celebration?!" laughs Izzy excitedly "Talk about great timing!" she said

"Tonight's royal bash for Queen Haven will be stunning, but the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp's performance. Isn't that right, Skye?" said Dazzle Feather

"My, yes, Dazzle. And this just in – an exclusive vid from Pipp for all you loyal fans out there in Z.H." said Skye Pipp then appeared on looked like a phone camera she was a light pink pegasus with golden hooves, and her legs have a slight gradation into lighter pink feathering. Her wings are fluffy and white and are made of large, soft feathers. Her violet mane is wavy and swept to one side, and her tail is of average length "What is up, everypony? Big shout out to all my fans, the Pippsqueaks!" she said two of her fans squealed "So, tonight's the night. I can't wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys!" she said the citizens let out a Awww "WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PIPP!" yelled one fan "Okay, guys, I love you lots. Gotta go. Pipp-Pipp-hooray!" she said the elevator came to a stop high above the city "Move it! Said Zoom Zephyrwing "You betcha" said Izzy "Do you see anypony flying here?" Sunny asked me "No weird" I said "They have a castle!" said Izzy noting the castle in front of us "Must be take us to see the Queen" I said we walked through the front doors I saw three throne at the end the one in the middle was the biggest must be the queens the others were small must be revered for Pipp and whoever the other member of the royal family is a small dog with wings walked out front of the thrones "Bow before our queen!" shouted Thunder Flap "Your Majesty" said Izzy bowing overdramatically the dog then barked with looked up and saw three pegasus flapping down Pipp was on her phone was the one on the far right was the Pegasus we ran into earlier while the middle was the queen see was wears shades and had a crown with a blue crystal in it "Hi, new friend!" waved Izzy the pony shook her head at us Izzy made the my lips are sealed movement and nodded "Guards, state your business, and please make it quick. We're on a very tight schedule today. Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure, Pipp needs to rehearse, and I need to practice my laugh" said Queen Haven she then let out a very forced laugh "Hmmm. Still not right "Your Highness, we found these intruders in our territory" said Zoom Queen Haven lowed her shade to get a better look at us the gasped "An Earth pony... and two unicorns... in Zephyr Heights?!" she said "We have them under control, your Highness." Said Zoom "Oh, oh, a-and we deployed the shield!" said Thunder point to the Tennis ball on Izzy and my horn "Is this an attack?! On the night of our royal celebration?! Why are you here?! Who sent you?! Nopony must know they're here!" said Queen Haven "Check it out, Pippsqueaks! Live from the castle... its real unicorns and Earth pony!" said Pipp livestream this on her phone the crowd gasped "I know, right? This is so not a filter" she said "Pipp!" said Queen haven grabbing Pipp's phone "There's nothing to fear. Those nasty little ponies have been captured. Your queen will protect you" she said the crowd sigs in relief "Um question why is that one tied up" said the one on the far right I stepped forward "Because I'm not a Unicorn I'm a Alicorn" I said turning to my side so they could see my wings the Queen gasped "Then why did they tie you up guards release him" said the Queen the guard quickly took the tennis ball off my horn and untied my wings "Sorry sir" said Zoom "Its fine" I said confused "There nothing to worry sir we've freed you from your captured state" said Queen Haven "Captured? No I" tried to said by the Queen Ignored me "I am Queen Haven and these are my daughters Princess Zephyrina Storm and Princess Pipp Petals" "Um nice to meet" I said "Zephyrina look after him for the rest of the day for me" said the Queen she then whispered "And who know maybe you could make him your Coatfriend and rule with him when you become Queen" "Uh sure Mom" she said Sunny then chirped in "Excuse me, Majesty? Um, we only want to ask you a few questions about magic. We—"began Sunny but the Queen quick went "Guards! Please escort these ponies to the dungeon until I can question them properly! And confiscate the book!" she said "What? N-No, no! But-but, your Majesty, I just wanted to ask you a few questions, please!" said Sunny as they gabbed Sunny book and turned them around "Grab a hold" said Zephyrina I grabbed her and they flew up above them "Did she just say "dungeons"?" said Izzy "What else could go wrong today?" said Sunny meanwhile with me they had covered my eyes with a blindfold so I couldn't see what was happing until the remove the blindfold and the only one left was Zephyrina "What going on Princess Zephyrina?" I said "Zipp please just call me Zipp only my mom calls me that" she said "Okay question two why are the pegasus being so nice to me?" I asked "What do you mean?" asked Zipp "I mean what is your take on Alicorns?" I said "Oh well we believe that the unicorns ponynapped all the Alicorns and forced them to steal all the magic in Equestria then killed them after it was done Alicorn have always be friends to pegasus" she said "Oh so that's why listen those two aren't dangerous there my friends we only came for so information so please if you could get the book back and take me to see them we can explain everything" I said to Zipp "Okay I'll get the book back I'll meet you at the entries to the dungeons straight down the hall take the steps going down last door on the left" she said "Thank you Princess Zipp" I said "Just Zipp" she said

My life in mlp g 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora