Chapter 16 Earth Pony Magic

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It was another beautiful day in Maretime Bay as Hitch walked to the Police Station he then saw the door to the station covered in vines and Dahlia standing by the door "Oh, sorry, Hitch... I was actually trying to open the door for you I know you don't like magic" she said

"Whaaaaat? Me not like magic? I'm tooootally cool with it now" he said trying to play it cool Hitch would never admit it but ever since magic had returned and earth ponies got there he'd been on edge Kenneth then chirps "What, Kenneth? Oh, you're right! I'm already late for my morning rounds!" he said running off he came across three filly's trapped by some vines "Good morning, Sheriff Hitch!" they said "Gah! I mean, gah-reat job, Seashell! Here, uh, let me help you" he said pulling them loose and putting them back on the ground "Thanks! We were actually stuck" said Seashell "Magic is pretty wild, huh?" said Glory "Too wild if you ask me" commented Hitch "Oh, no! Are you upset?" asked Peach Fizz "Me? Upset? About magic? Never!" said Hitch "So we can use all the magic we want then? No rules? No holding back?" they giggled "You were holding back?!" gasped Hitch then cleared his throat "Um... of course!" he said "Hitch said use all the magic you want! Don't hold back, everypony!" the yelled everypony in Maretime Bay heard and smiles grew on their faces Sprout was doing commute services to make up for what he did and started to brag "My magic's probably the most powerful in the Bay. Wanna see?" he asked two of the workers he was with "Does it involve sweeping? If not, then no, Sprout" they said he tapped his shimmering green hooves on the floor but nothing happened "Honest! Just need to warm up!" he said they walked away not listening Sprout tried again and a huge grape fruit grew "Uh-oh. That's a new feature. Ah!" he said one of the grapes then snapped and started round down the street "Ahh! My magic is too powerful! Run!" he said "It's everypony for themselves!" yelled an Earth pony Hitch turned his head and saw the huge berry "Berry attack! This is not a drill!" he said he then didn't know what to do so he just turned tail and ran "Ah! Out of the way!" he said he then feel into a cart and started wheeling down the street the berry round on after him it then gain height and landed on top of his covering him in berry juice "Yup... Just another beautiful day in Maretime Bay..." he said walking back to the station trying to remove the vine Sunny and I saw him covered in the juice Sunny laughed as we walked over "Oh, wish we'd been around earlier. Sounds like you made a real impact!" she laughed "Ha-ha. Laugh all you want, Sunny, but fruit juice funk can stay in your mane for weeks" said Hitch "This plant-powered magic is something special growing stuff at the stomp of a hoof? Incredible!" she said "More like incredibly unpredictable. I mean, we don't even know all that it can do yet" groaned Hitch "Well, we know enough. Like... you seem to be the only pony who can talk to animals. But have you tried to grow anything yet?" I asked "To be honest, I'm afraid to after this morning" said Hitch "Come on. You can't judge all Earth pony magic on one little mishap" said Sunny "Maybe you just need to see the scene of the slime for yourself" said Hitch to us we went to find Sprout to find out what happened "I swear, I don't know what happened! All I did was stomp like this" he said the pant behind him started to grow and the fence around in cracked "Stop the stomping! First, Maretime Bay was shook up with magic, and I said nothing" said Hitch walking off "Uh, that's not true. You actually said a lot" I said "Then Earth pony magic came. Now I'm saying something. I keep this place safe, and it's too dangerous without rules" said Hitch "But if our magic can produce this perfect, there might be no limit to what we can do. We can't cut off a whole planet of possibilities" said Sunny

"More like a cosmos of calamities!" groan Hitch "That's not what she meant Magic takes time to master and how are the Earth ponies gonna grow and learn – and learn to grow – with restrictions?" I asked Sprout the sneezed he magic then activated again and a piece of the fence flew off hitting Sprout in the head lucky he was wearing a helmet Sunny gave a nervous laugh "Uh, just consider what I'm saying before you jump to any conclusions" she asked Hitch gave a sigh "I'll think about it. But the safety of ponies in Maretime Bay is my top priority" said Hitch sunny took a hoof full of the juice still covering hitch and licked it of her hooves "Arr Sunny you got a little something" I said gusting around my mouth Sunny took out her mirror with clear in off

(Opaline's Dark Castle)

With the mirror open Opaline could see her "Misty, quick! That Alicorn is using the mirror we gave her! Soon her magic will be" Began Opaline Sunny the closed the Mirror "Teasing us as it trots away! Why has she barely used it? If it was me, I'd have checked my pout every minute on the minute" said Opaline "And what a pout it is, Opaline! Equal parts chilling and charming!" chimed in Misty "Don't pander to me, Misty even though you are right. Well, now it's time for me to tell you to do something else" she said

(Maretime Bay Polices Station)

Hitch was creating a board of all Magic related incidents to determent what to do to keep Maretime Bay safe "Creating an inventory of all magic types... Limiting magic to the magic hour of dusk... A card that's bit in half—wait what?" He said and Saw Sparky eating the other half of the card "Sparky, careful!" he said Sparky then started to run around the room knock around many things "Sparky, come here. You won't be in trouble, I promise" He said chasing after him Sparky was about to send a puff of Dragon fire out Dragon fire had magic properties if it hit an object that object would turn into something else Ah! Sparky, wait! Sparky! No dragon fire!" he said he grab Sparky and a poof of fire came out not enough to do anything "Aw, I can't be mad at you, Mr. Sparkeroni. You're just too cute" said Hitch Izzy the walked in "Love being a dragon dad" he said to her "Whoa. That... was so funny!" said Izzy "And also, you may need some help?" she asked "Whatever gave you that idea? Sparky's been excitable lately. He was a hoofful already, but he's literally chomped through my desk." He said holding up a stool that had one of the legs chomped though "Awww, he's just adding his flair to the furniture. Aren't you, Sparky? You know, if you ever needed a dragon-sitter, I'd be happy to look after him" said Izzy "Wow. Really, Izzy? That'd be great!" said Hitch Kenneth chirped at him "Kenneth, I know, I know. It's already time for my town hall. Thanks, Izzy! You're the best! And this helps me out a lot! If you need anything for Sparky, there's a comprehensive list of dos, don'ts, and potential threats and dangers! See you later! I'll be outside!" he said leaving "Potential threats and dangers? What's so dangerous about you?" said Izzy looking at Sparky Hitch got behind a Microphone to the crowd that had gathered for the town hall Sunny, Zipp, Pipp and I stood at the back of the crowd "Hello! I know we started the day with a pretty disastrous— I mean, magical morning After surveying the recent magical changes in Maretime Bay and the messy ways they've disrupted our daily lives, I have decided there will be... no use of Earth pony magic!" he said the crowd gasped "Whatsoever!" said Hitch the gasp grew louder "Until I've collected enough data from all of you to form proper regulations and guidelines!" he continued so dii the gasps one earth pony even faints "I assure you, this is all for your own safety. We don't know what's possible with Earth pony magic yet. Until I've taken proper inventory of every flight, float..." Sunny growls "...flora, and fauna power, magic is off limits! That is all" he finished the crowd dispersed and we ran up to him has he cleared litter off the street "I thought you said you weren't gonna do anything drastic!" asked Sunny "No, I said I would think it over! And my thoughts are telling me it's bad and it's only gonna get worse if I don't step up!" said Hitch "Ugh! But Earth pony magic is powerful!" Sunny complained "Exactly! What's gonna happen if we have more mishaps? It's my job to make sure everypony is safe!" went Hitch cleared he thought he'd made the right chose "Earth ponies need to practice! Like Xavier said even t-the Pegasi and unicorns had to!" began Sunny went then saw the three filly's from before trapped by the vines "Growing pains! They'll get it!" I said "Guessing you ponies were too... "Tied up" for the town hall earlier? Just a little reminder of the new rules." Said Hitch putting a sticker with a no magic symbol on it and stuck it to the hooves "Sunny and Xavier have a point, Hitch It's too early to know if Earth pony magic is anything to worry about" said Zipp "Look. I'm part of the reason Earth pony magic is here now. What if I become the reason Earth ponies get hurt? As sheriff, I can't let that happen!" he said 

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