Chapter 25 The Alicorn Obsession

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 Back at Sunny's smoothie stand "How can I help you, fellow thirsty and engaged citizen?" said Sunny to Windy "I'll take the Alicorn Special!" said Windy "Alicorn Special? Uh, we don't have anything like that" I said "Oh, I don't really care what it is. I just want a smoothie that an Alicorn like yourself would drink" "Okay, sure. Yeah, I'll conjure that up" said Sunny "But I kinda want it made by the Alicorn, you know?" said Windy "No she doesn't know" I said "Please, oh, please do the Alicorn thing again, Sunny!" said Seashell  "It's so cool!" said Peach Fizz "The thing is, it doesn't exactly work like that. Um... Why don't I help you with your orders and tell you about this awesome idea I have instead?" said Sunny all the Ponies groaned "To get more ponies interested in fruits and veggies, we can build a community garden! A massive one, where everypony can practice the art of—!" Sunny began then sneezed her wings and horn appeared again "Excuse me. I think some dust got kicked up. Anyway, I" Sunny began "Uhhhh..., Sunny? You're an Alicorn again" said Zipp "So sparkly!" said Izzy touching Sunny wing "Amazing!" said Glory "Gorgeous!" said Peach Fizz "Wow! I wanna be like you when I grow up!" said Seashell to Sunny "You do?" exclaimed Sunny "Are there any super-cool causes we can help with right now?!" "Really? A-Actually, there are! Um... Okay, let's see. We can start with some planters around town and save "Airhorns for Armadillos" for later. That name kinda speaks for itself..." said Sunny her mirror was open and the figure of Opaline appeared and laughed evilly "Alright that's it Izzy Zipp with me" I said I brought them to a large area near the Brighthouse "What are we doing" asked Zipp "We are going to start this community garden Sunny want cause the towns ponies won't" I said "How do you know" Asked Izzy Cause I've seen this play out before no pony cares about Sunny's ideas they care about Sunny being an Alicorn" I explained they nodded And we got to work "All my dreams are coming true! The community is literally growing together!" squealed Sunny "What are you growing over there? Grapefruits? Ah, no. Um, zucchini?" Sunny asked Seashell and Glory a large fruit that look like a zucchini but smelled like a grape fruit appeared "It's a grape-chini! A combination grapefruit-zucchini!" said Seashell "Oh. Interesting. I'm just happy you're all showing such enthusiasm" said Sunny "We made the Alicorn happy!" "Neigh way!" they said Glory then saw four ponies walking down the street "Is that..." "The Filly Four!" they said "Sunny, we've been looking for you everywhere. It's so nice to finally meet" said Sugar Moonlight "We went to school together, Sugar. I sat next to you in—" began Sunny Sugar Moonlight ignored her "I'm Sugar. This is Rosedust, Lily, and, uh... what's that new unicorn's name?" asked Sugar Moonlight "Minty? That slot is always on rotation, so we forget. Hah!" said Rosedust "We were just about to go shopping. Wanna join?" Asked Sugar Moonlight "I don't need to go shopping, but—" began Sunny but was interrupted by Lily "But if you come with us, everypony is going to see us together, and we're super-influential" "Imagine what you could do with all that power" said Misty "Exactly, Marcy" said Sugar Moonlight  "Misty" she corrected her  "Whatever. All you have to do is hang out with us. And stay an Alicorn, of course" said Sugar Moonlight  "Right Uh... one sec. I just need to freshen up. Over there!" said Sunny pointing at a hardware store "Freshen up? In a hardware store? Weird, but okay" said Sugar Moonlight Sunny ran into an hallway near the hardware store and called Pipp "Heeeey" came Pipp's voice "Pipp! The Filly Four want me to hang out with them! What should I do?!" asked Sunny  "The Filly Four?!" gasped Pipp  "They're the ones eclipsing me on social media! They're, like, super-famous right now!" said Pipp "They are?" questioned Sunny  "Yeah! You need to do all you can to get them on your side. Ah, your school days are coming full circle, Sunny. You're going from misfit to popular pony!" said Pipp "Okay! I'm gonna do it then!" said Sunny hanging up her wings and horn then fizz and disappeared "Oh, no, no, not now!" said Sunny she then head a voice coming from her mirror she opened it and saw Opaline disguised has her "Sunny... Su-nny..." she said  "Is this... me?" asked Sunny out loud "Yes. Hello, me. Hello, you" said Opaline "Wow! I need to share this with Zipp right away!" said Sunny running off "Wait! This magic mirror is only for Alicorns, Sunny. I'm your inner voice. I'm here to guide you." said Opaline "You are?" asked Sunny "Yes! If any other type of pony uses it, it will lose its enchantment. Because Alicorns are special. You are special. Haven't you noticed?" asked Opaline "No, no. But I do feel... different?" said Sunny "Not different. Special. Better even. Why be a basic, boring Earth pony when you can be... an Alicorn?" said Opaline  "Then how... how do I stay an Alicorn?" asked Sunny "Find the source of your power and harness it. Then all your wildest dreams can come true!" said Opaline "Even the community garden?!" asked Sunny "That's your wildest dream? We'll work on that, but yes!" said Opaline "I've been drafting my garden dream board at the Brighthouse! Oh, I really want it to become a place where I can help other ponies use their magic! A place where everypony can—" Sunny's Alicorn magic activated  "Yes, that's it! Look. Go take what's rightfully yours" said Opaline "Wow! Hah! Thank you so much... me? Mirror me? Sunny squared? Eh, I'll come up with a better name soon" she said closing the mirror "Sunny's easier to manipulate than I thought. As long as Misty puts on the pressure, too, she'll be on our side in no time" said Opaline evilly 

(Mane Medley)

"Okay, Sparky. I need your help here. I can't risk losing all relevance in the digital world. I must go viral. What gives you that "spark" I'm missing?" said Pipp to Sparky "Hmmm. Let's see..." said Pipp Sparky did an array of this an Pipp tried to imitate  them  Sparky then transform Pipp's phone  "Can you please not right now? Ugh! What does Sparky have that I don't?! I have to get to the bottom of this! Well, good thing I carry several phones on me for good measure" she said 

 "All right! Feeling much better! After looking at gardening tools, I'm in!" said Sunny re-joining the Filly four "Perf! Then let's get shopping" said Sugar Moonlight "I have another idea. I decided I'm going to make an announcement about this huge project I've been working on, and I want to get everypony involved. Only if they want to get involved, though" said Sunny "Yes! We do! Pleeeeease!" said the Pipsqueaks "The Filly Four would love to help. We'll rally all the ponies in town to hear the news. We're here for you. But first, smile!" said Sugar Moonlight take a sefi of her and Sunny "That is so going viral" she said 

(The Brighthouse) 

"Perfect!" said Izzy Hitch then walked in singing to himself  "Whoa there. What's gotten into you?" asked Zipp "Yeah, you seem so... chiiiiill" I said  "Pipp offered to watch Sparky for the afternoon, and I finally got some much needed "me" time. Which is gonna end with myself, a bubble bath, and the newest Bridlewood Beatnik jazz album" explained Hitch "Cool, cool. Wait, you let Pipp do what?" said Zipp "Are you sure that was a good idea?" I asked "Of course  no doubt she's having a relaxing time with Sparky, too. Now, where did I put that hydrating face mask?" said Hitch "Looking after Sparky is not relaxing" I said   

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