Chap 8 ~ Mean

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Julia's POV : 

It was tour day. Once again we were packing and leaving for tour. But not any tour. The boys first world tour. It was 6am and I, as usual, was sitting on the couch with Will and, well, yeah. You probably know the routine by now. 

When the boys were done fooling around we headed to the two taxis that was waiting outside for us to drive us to the airport so we could leave for New York. The tour is starting with some shows in the US. And then we will leave for the UK. And then tour around in Europe. And then a few shows in Asia. I don't have all the cities memorised but that doesn't matter. 

I carried my two bags outside and put them in one of the cars. I saw Frida struggling with her bags an I walked over to help her.

"Having some troubles there?" I smirked and she playfully slapped my hand and I laughed putting her bags in the same car as mine. 

"This baby is killing me already. And I have five months to go." She groaned and I laughed at her. 

"Have you figured out what to do when the baby comes?" I ask knowing her and Cole are discussing if they should get their own place when the baby comes or what to do. She shrugs.

"I want to move, let the baby grow up in a nice apartment and so you know. But Cole is more like, he wants to stay with the boys but I'm not sure then boys want a screaming baby in the house." She sighs and I chuckle.

"I know I don't." Frida glared at me but then she smiled as well. The boys came out from the house and locked the door.

"Farewell house! We'll see you in some months!" David said dramatically and then we were off to the airport. 

At the airport we checked in and all the stuff you do at the airport before boarding the plane. I sat in the middle of Gabe and Frida. Frida was sitting on my right side, and Gabe had the window seat. Frida needs to go to the toilet a lot so she had to sit there. 

The plane ride was long and quiet and I took a chance to sleep because this day was going to be long. 

When we got to the hotel we got our rooms I was already tired and wanted to sleep.

"All you have done is sleep." Gabe chuckled and I groaned and threw myself on the bed. 

"But it's fun." I complain, my face buried in a pillow so my voice came out like a muffled sound.

"But we need to get some lunch and then we need to head to the arena and get ready for tonight." Gabe said and dragged me out of the bed. 

The first show was tonight. They had rehearsals and trying clothes and get hair and make-up done and all that stuff. And me and Frida had to come. Because we didn't want to miss their first show. Even if we are seated in the back because of Frida and her baby. 

We met the boys in the lobby and headed down the street to look for a take out place. Me, Will, Dana and Frida wanted Chinese so that's what we got. We were in a hurry so we had to bring the food to the arena. When we arrived they escorted the boys backstage in a dressing room and me and Frida waited backstage outside the dressing room. I finished my food and checked my twitter. Ever since I was announced as being Gabe's girlfriend I had gained lots of followers. I heard Frida sigh loudly and I looked over at her and she was on her phone. She kept scrolling and I shrugged it off. It was probably nothing.

Frida's POV :

I sigh. In the corner of my sight I can see Julia looking at me and then back at her phone shrugging lightly.

I was on twitter reading the stuff people said about me. And some of them are nice. But most of them are not. It's all hate. Most about me being stupid for not getting rid of the baby and some about me ruining Cole's life with this baby. I really try to not let these comments get to me. But with me being pregnant it's quite hard. Since I am being all emotional about everything. Cole and the boys know about it. I don't know if Julia does but considering the time she spends online I'd be surprised if she hasn't. I close the app, not wanting to read more comments and look over at Julia. She's lost in her phone. Probably on Instagram or something. I check my clock, 30 minutes till the door open. Have I been on my phone for so long.

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